Friday, May 25, 2012

Wow! Chris Matthews is really bitter about that Tingle

When you get right down to it, there are three things that really upset Chris Matthews when you bring up his comment in 2008 that Barack Obama sends 'a thrill' up his leg. First and foremost, he's upset that it appears to becoming the centerpiece of his legacy; that comment is making him the poster child for the death of objective journalism and if he doesn't know that, he's learning it incrementally. The second thing is that he must inherently know at some level that Obama's policies are failing. Lastly, he is EXTREMELY hypersensitive about his 'thrill' being referred to as a 'tingle.' Naturally, this distinction without a real difference only increases the frequency of that word choice from the right.

Now, to this awesome Chris Matthews meltdown. Just hit play and watch his reaction to a C-SPAN moderator who reads the 2008 quote back to Matthews and asks him if he still feels the same way. At that very moment, Chris had to open up his heart and let all of his anger out; there was no stopping him.

Via (h/t Hot Air):

Chris Matthews: Jackasses, Stop Asking About Obama Speech from National Cable and Telecommunications Association on

I'm suddenly in the mood for this clip from Morning Joe the day after Matthews uttered the now infamous words in 2008. It's moments like this one that continued to build until they culminated with the outburst Matthews had with the C-SPAN guy:

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