Monday, May 21, 2012

Geraldo: if Trayvon 'had taken that damn hood off his head...'

Well, you gotta give credit to Geraldo for not bowing to political correctness when it comes to his opinion of Trayvon Martin's hoodie but when it comes to defending his position with Martin family attorney, Ben Crump, you gotta give him low marks. Geraldo came up empty when Crump said that Mark Zuckerberg wears a hoodie too.

First up, during an appearance on O'Reilly on May 18th, Rivera said in response to the 7/11 surveillance video of Trayvon showing the teen in a hoodie, that Martin was dressed in 'thug wear.'

A couple of days later, Geraldo had Crump on his show. Crump went after Geraldo for focusing on Trayvon's attire and Geraldo didn't have have a response.

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