Monday, May 21, 2012

POLITICO: Mormonism WILL be an issue

Mitt Romney garnered an overwhelming majority of the Mormon vote during the primaries. As a result, the Mormon church may have to batten down the hatches because a political hurricane is about to hit Utah. The establishment had blinders on and didn't pay attention to the consequences of its insistence that Romney get the nomination. Dylan Byers writes that the hurricane is coming.

Mormonism is going to be an issue this election season. It's only a question of when.

Even if Mitt Romney doesn't address it, even if President Obama doesn't address it, even if the DNC and the Super PACs don't address it, the media will. And when they do it is almost certain to drive the news cycle.

I'm not talking about Romney's personal history -- or his family's history -- in the Mormon Church, which is something that has already come up in various stories on cable news and made the front page of a few papers. I’m talking about a national conversation about the Mormon faith, including its past practice of polygamy (which was renounced by the church in the 19th century) and its exclusion of African Americans from the priesthood (until 1978).. That sort of thing.
Back in January, Rush Limbaugh played a clip of Donna Brazile after a debate after which she said that Romney's performance was 'good' for the Democrats because his nomination gives Obama the best chance. Correctly, Limbaugh pointed out that Brazile spoke too soon. Though she told the truth, she wasn't supposed to yet.

What Limbaugh didn't discuss at the time was one of the biggest reasons the Democrats want to face Romney; they see his religion as a huge weakness, something he isn't prepared to discuss or defend.

h/t NewsBusters

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