Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jay-Z's Amazing Evolution on Gay Marriage

Did Jay-Z suddenly have a homosexual road to Damascus experience on gay marriage? Based on his song lyrics, either that's the explanation or it's something more simple, like being told to get in line with the president's views. After all, Jay-Z did get to sit at the head of the table in the White House situation room.

In any case, the Daily Caller has made an interesting observation about Jay-Z's new position vs. his old, racist one:
Rap mogul Jay-Z publicly backed President Barack Obama‘s newest position on same-sex marriage, an interesting move for an important figure in an industry that is regularly regarded as outspokenly homophobic.

In an interview with CNN on Monday, Jay-Z said he has always believed prohibiting same-sex marriages was “holding the country back.” He said, “you can choose to love whoever you love.”

But a short journey through the prolific history of the iconic rapper’s lyrics indicates that he may not be the best spokesman for gay marriage advocacy.
Here are some of those lyrics:
“What you gay? Nigga Jay straight like Indian hair” – From “2 Many Hoes”
“And since you infatuated with sayin’ tha gay shit” – From “Super Ugly”
“Had niggas mad for real like ‘I wish he was gay’”- From “Hey Papi”
“Hate a nigga like that faggot, get your own”- From “Lucky Me”
“That’s gay, I ain’t into liking dudes no way”- From “La La La (Excuse Me Again)”
Again, if gays today = blacks 50 years ago, the once racist Jay-Z has had an amazing evolution.

Or, maybe he just got his mind right:

Perhaps Jay-Z should consult with Bruce Springsteen about getting in touch with his gay side when writing songs:

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