Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Video: Darrell Issa on Greta about Eric Holder's refusal to comply with Subpoena

During an appearance on Greta, Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa conceded that the response from Eric Holder to the subpoena - after the draft of a contempt citation was made public - has been that the DOJ will not turn over the documents demanded by the subpoena. The fact that the contempt citation hasn't been issued already is inconsistent with what Issa told Martha McCallum on May 3rd.

Here is what Issa told Fox's Martha McCallum back on May 3rd when asked about a 'drop dead' date for issuing the contempt citation:
"If the Attorney General's answer is, 'we've given you all we're going to give you,' then the drop dead date is immediate."
This is shaping up to be far more of an indictment of Boehner than it is Issa. It's looking more and more like Issa wants to move forward; it's becoming equally apparent that Boehner is the problem.

Waiting for Democrats to get on board with the Fast and Furious investigation is like waiting for oil to start liking water.

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