Thursday, May 10, 2012

Norfolk's WAVY targets Bill O'Reilly over Black on White attack

This is a continuation of the story about two white reporters for a local Norfolk, VA newspaper being beaten by several black men. Bill O'Reilly and his guy in the field - Jesse Watters - reported on this earlier in the week. One of the men featured in that report was the editor for the Virginian-Pilot, Denis Finley, who came off in the O'Reilly segment as being reluctant to find out what happened in the beating.

When I reached out to Finley, he asserted that O'Reilly got the story wrong and blew it out of proportion. One of the claims by Finley was that there was no evidence of the attack being racially motivated.

Now, a television in Norfolk - WAVY - is targeting O'Reilly's coverage of the story while echoing the sentiment of Finley. O'Reilly's point in response to WAVY's reporting is that instead of going after him, they should spend their time getting to the truth about the beating. At one point in this segment, O'Reilly reports that his staff reached out to WAVY News Director, Jim Gilchriest for an appearance on the show and that Gilchriest declined.

Via Fox News:

O'Reilly also spoke with Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli about the case. Presumptively, Cuccinelli appeared on the show because O'Reilly's report that aired two days earlier was not flattering to the AG. Cuccinelli, who is running for Governor of Virginia next year, holds his own in this exchange but O'Reilly raises some very good points.

Do you call this one a draw?

Via Fox

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