Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Video: Rep. Jason Chaffetz's fiery speech on House Floor over Fast and Furious

This is strong stuff. There were two things that prompted Rep. Jason Chaffetz to speak loudly and forcefully to Democrats on the House floor today. The first has to do with an amendment to a Department of Justice spending bill. That amendment would prevent the use of taxpayer dollars from being used to lie to Congress, a clear reference to the February 4, 2011 letter Assistant Attorney General Ronal Weich signed that DOJ withdrew nearly one year later. The second was a plea to demand that Eric Holder comply with the subpoena that's been issued to DOJ with respect to Fast and Furious.

Democrats almost never break ranks, even when they know they're wrong but Fast and Furious is Watergate with murder. If the Republicans are resolved enough to see that fact get beaten into the consciousness of the American people, Democrats will be forced to break from their Party. It's really that bad. The question is: do Republicans have the stomach to go there?

Chaffetz shames the Democrats here.

h/t Daily Caller

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