Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Video Timeline: the Obama Administration's Gay Marriage Evolution

There always seems to be a new social issue that the Obama administration is either manufacturing or in the middle of. The latest involves gay marriage. It started with Vice President Joe Biden (no surprise there) and his appearance on Meet the Press this past Sunday.

Keep in mind that Obama's public position has been that he supports civil unions but that he is against gay marriage. Public opposition to gay marriage is strong and it's become rather obvious that Obama wanted to wait to come out in support of gay marriage until after the election. That's not going to happen because Biden reached into the pantry, pulled out a can of worms and grabbed a can opener.

Here's the VP endorsing gay marriage:

That exchange with Gregory led to an uncomfortable round of questions for White House press secretary Jay Carney, who has become quite adroit at impersonating a human pretzel.

See for yourself, via MediaIte:

After having his position on gay marriage mocked for more than 24 hours, Barack Obama came out today and told ABC's Robin Roberts that he supports gay marriage. Watching this, it should be rather obvious that Obama did not want to do this now; he wanted to wait until after the election.

Here ya go:

Now, Obama in 2008 at Saddleback Church:

Which brings us back to Joe Biden's "who do you love" comment...

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