Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Breitbart: Obama and Ayers shared 4th of July BBQ at Ayers house in 2005

Remember, in 2008, Obama was asked about his relationship with Bill Ayers no more than once by the fawning mainstream media; it was during a debate with Hillary Clinton. Obama dismissed the notion saying that Ayers was little more than 'a guy who lives in my neighborhood.' Well, now we know that this particular guy who lives in Obama's neighborhood held a 4th of July BBQ in 2005 that Obama attended.

Via Breitbart:
As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama disavowed any connection with former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground radical who was one of Obama's early backers and his colleague on the board of the Woods Fund in Chicago. We now have proof that Obama's association with Ayers continued even after Obama had been elected to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate--in the form of a now-scrubbed blog post placing Obama at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow radical Bernardine Dohrn, on July 4, 2005.
Of course, Obama and Ayers shared a business office for no less than three years, beginning in 1995. His 2005 visit to Ayers' home would make that, at minimum, Obama's 2nd visit in ten years, with the first known visit taking place in 1995, when Obama's political career was launched there. This means that the two men had a combined working and personal relationship that spanned no less than an entire decade.

There were plenty of us in 2008 who saw this relationship with Ayers not just disturbing but potentially very dangerous, in part because of the revelations of the only man who successfully infiltrated the Weather Underground for the FBI - Larry Grathwohl. This video of Grathwohl in 1982 continues to take on added significance each time more information about the Obama / Ayers relationship is revealed.

Remember, Ayers has not renounced his terrorist acts. Obama attended a Bill Ayers BBQ four years after 9/11, which was also four years after a magazine cover showed Ayers standing on a crumpled American flag. This video shook many of us to the core four years ago and though we tried to sound the alarm bells, not enough listened. That, and McCain told us we had no reason to fear an 'Obama presidency.'

On a side note, here is Obama's 2008 exchange with Hillary. It's just plain laughable for anyone to assert that Obama wasn't lying here.

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