Thursday, June 14, 2012

Video: Juan Williams tells Michelle Malkin he's a 'real reporter' and 'not a blogger'

This exchange between Michelle Malkin and Juan Williams came one day after Joe Scarborough, the man whose checks are signed by the propaganda arm of the Obama administration - MSNBC - lumped conservative bloggers into one big pot before ridiculing them for being ineffective and irrelevant. Translation? Those conservative bloggers are pretty darned effective and relevant.

Fast forward one day later. While discussing the White House national security leaks, Williams felt it necessary to identify himself as a 'real reporter' and 'not a blogger.' Naturally, Malkin to offense at this and then proceeded to thoroughly shred Williams for his condescension and for being - among other things - a 'snotty... liberal elite journalist'. The best part is that Williams proves her point with his condescending eye rolls in response.

The good news? A common theme is developing among the liberal media. The conservative bloggers are winning and people like Scarborough and Williams secretly know it. Whenever they ridicule bloggers, it's reflective of their inability to admit it publicly. The most egregious example is Fast and Furious. After 18 months, the truth about the scandal - as well as the truth about how the liberal media covered it up - is coming out.

This is an instant classic. Is it racist to enjoy watching a filipino, conservative, female, blogger rip a black, liberal 'real reporter' to shreds?

Instant classic via MediaIte:

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