Saturday, July 7, 2012

Harry Reid 'Proud' of Justice Judas Roberts

We'll probably never learn exactly what happened and why John Roberts changed his ruling on Obamacare but one thing is for certain. If he has a conscience at all, he's lying to himself in order to sleep at night. Considering the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by communists, it's going to be pretty hard for Roberts to rationalize this latest bit of news away.

Harry Reid is 'proud' of him.

Via the Hill:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he's proud of Chief Justice John Roberts for his ruling on the healthcare reform law and plans to call him soon.

Roberts joined the four liberal justices on the high court in upholding virtually the entire healthcare law. The 5-4 decision preserved the individual mandate to have insurance, which had been the primary target of conservatives who challenged the law in court.

"Roberts  — that was a very strong opinion, and frankly I'm going to call him when I have an opportunity because I'm very proud of what he did," Reid said in an interview Thursday with Nevada radio station KNPR.
When lawless Democrats are proud of you, it's a double negative and shame is what you should feel.

It's like a mob boss telling you, 'good job'.

Which should keep you up at night.

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