Saturday, July 7, 2012

How will Romney respond to Axelrod comparing him to Richard Nixon?

Seriously, if Mitt Romney doesn't respond to David Axelrod comparing him to Richard Nixon by pointing to things like Obama invoking Executive Privilege over the Fast and Furious documents after Attorney General Eric Holder was found in contempt of Congress, Charles Krauthammer may be right. Romney won't deserve to win.

Last month, on Face the Nation, Romney demurred when given the opportunity to chide Barack Obama for the latter's decision to grant one million illegal aliens amnesty. He could have questioned Obama's real concern for Mexican nationals by pointing to the operation that led to hundreds of dead Mexicans and the fact that no one has been held accountable yet.

Romney has had countless opportunities to tap into conservative anger on this issue. Instead, he has become a one-trick pony on the economy and seems incapable of inspiring people.

Here is another opportunity - perhaps his best yet - to throw the Nixon comparison right back in Obama's lap but something tells me he's not going to do it. Here is audio of Axelrod during an interview with ABC, comparing Romney to Nixon.

Via Fox Nation:

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