Sunday, July 8, 2012

James Carville: Romney's Religion is his Biggest Problem

Former Clinton campaign strategist and prominent Democrat, James Carville, may have just given the green light to the left, to go after Mitt Romney over Mormonism. While appearing on WWL in New Orleans, Carville said the following during a discussion about Romney:
“One of the problems that Romney has honestly is — the thing against him the most is his religion,” Carville said. “And he doesn’t understand the reasons. He doesn’t talk about that. He was a bishop in his church. And he doesn’t talk about the one public office that he held much and that was being the governor of Massachusetts. So, he talks about Bain, but that’s become sort of a big issue in the campaign. He’s got to, you know — if you look at the numbers, Romney should win this campaign.”
Until the Obamacare ruling, Romney was making incremental progress on a weekly basis. He was winning with jabs against Obama, landing more punches by far but nothing with the force of a haymaker. Even after the Obamacare ruling, Romney was poised to capitalize on it because the last of the anti-establishment candidate fence-sitters seemed to be getting on his side.

Then the Romney campaign delivered a haymaker to its own jaw when it couldn't adequately draw a significant contrast between Obamacare and Romneycare.

There is a reason Carville is attacking Romney on Mormonism the same week that Romney muddled his Romneycare message; he smells blood in the water. This attack by Carville was definitely strategic.

Here is the audio of the exchange, via Daily Caller:

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