Friday, December 14, 2012

Despite Hillary taking 'responsibility' for security of staff at Benghazi, Barbara Walters thinks questions about hair more important

One month after the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton took responsibility for the security of everyone who works for the State Department. In a sane world, that would mean that she should have to answer some very hard questions about why the consulate there was repeatedly denied security - in some cases, security was withdrawn. Also worthy of note this week has been Clinton's expected testimony in front of House and Senate foreign relations committees.

Therefore, in her interview with ABC's Barbara Walters, a sane interviewer would want to get some answers relative to Benghazi and the plethora of unanswered questions about that which Hillary said she was responsible for. That's not what happened.

Walters found at least two things more important to ask Hillary about.
  1. Her hair
  2. Her plans for 2016
That's right. Walters was disinterested in asking questions about Hillary's role in a scandal that could make her unfit for another presidential run.

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