Thursday, December 13, 2012

Video: The man who feared the Capsizing of Guam due to population feels guilty about using the "M" word

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) is perhaps most infamous for his stated fear that the island of Guam could become so populated that it might tip over and "capsize". During the race-baiting circus in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, Johnson said that Martin was shot for "WWB in a GC" (Walking while black in a gated community).

Johnson's latest foray into the absurd involves a bit of a confession. You see, in addition to finding the "N" word offensive, Johnson apologized for using the "M" word.

What's the "M" word you might ask?

"Midget". The only reason we know is because Hank let it slip. Does that mean he should resign?

There is a question I am dying to ask this guy:
How many midgets M-words would it take on the island of Guam to cause it to capsize?
It's got to be more than "normal" people, right?

We always knew this would have staying power, didn't we?

h/t WZ

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