Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Video: The Appeal and Absurdity of Alex Jones in under three minutes

I must admit, absent Alex Jones' accusation that Piers Morgan is a 'hatchet man for the New World Order', the former seemed to be winning the debate with the CNN host until about the 1:50 mark of this clip. If I had been watching this with a Frank Luntz dial device, you'd have seen my line take a plunge right about there (after dipping slightly during the Piers-is-a-NWO-apparatchik line).

It's easy to see how the overly emphatic indignation of Jones - Ron Paul's biggest media mouthpiece - gathers him a following. That said, the combination of his over-the-top choleric diatribes mixed with his belief that 9/11 was an inside job torpedoes his credibility.

Piers Morgan knew that, which likely goes a long way to explaining his calm demeanor during Jones' rant on the gun control debate. Just before the 2:00 mark, Piers changed the subject and asked Jones who was responsible for 9/11. Without missing a beat, after having carried on a mocking rendition of Morgan's dialect a bit too long, Jones went right into his belief that the Bush administration blew up Building 7.

Via GWP:

The video above was edited by a gun control nut and was intentionally made to look Jones look as kooky as possible. Here is the full, unedited version of Part one of the interview:

While Jones made excellent points, his delivery (and 9/11 Trutherism) made Morgan look reasonable, unlike the CNN host's interview with Larry Pratt last month, in which the opposite happened:

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