Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Increasingly Bizarre case of Evan Ebel and the murders of State officials

On March 21st, two days after Tom Clements - the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections - was murdered at his home in Monument, Colorado, a high speed car chase in Decatur, TX ended with the death of Evan Ebel, a parolee whom many view as the prime suspect in Clements' murder. Decatur is almost 700 miles from Monument.

Before Ebel's run-in with Texas law enforcement, the description of a car that sat outside Clements' home was relayed by at least one witness (possibly two), to authorities.

Via the Daily Mail:
Colorado authorities are looking for a dark-colored ‘boxy,’ dark-colored, two-door 1990s-model car with green dashboard light seen idling for 15 minutes near Clements' house around the time of the shooting. The vehicle's engine was running and a witness reported seeing one person driving away in the car.
Here is Lt. Jeff Kramer on or about March 19th, giving a description of the vehicle of interest. Take note of how matter-of-factly Kramer states that the vehicle is a "two-door" vehicle.

Fast forward to March 21st, the day that Ebel met his end in Decatur, TX. The car he was driving can be described as "dark-colored" and "boxy" but it was definitely not a "two-door" vehicle. It was absolutely a four-door vehicle (see photo).

On a March 20th news report from NBC News 9 in Denver, the description again, is a two-door vehicle, witnessed by a female speed-walker (take note at the 2:30 mark):

**UPDATE** The description of the car being a two-door vehicle was made prior to this speed-walker being identified (as the NBC 9 report indicates). There are also no news stories I can find that identify the "speed-walker" as having been contacted prior to Ebel's death. In fact, in this March 21st report posted after Ebel's death, the "speed-walker" doesn't appear to have been identified at all. The question becomes: How many witnesses had identified the vehicle outside Clements' home as being "two-door"?

Clements' murder (and Ebel's death) took place after the murder of Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse and before the murder of Kaufman County D.A. Mike McLelland, who - like Clements - was murdered in his own home, along with his wife Cynthia. Hasse was gunned down on Kaufman County courthouse steps in broad daylight on January 31st. Though Clements and the McLellands were murdered in similar fashion, Ebel met his end nine days before the McLellands were murdered, despite being roughly 100 miles away in Decatur, TX.

Conversely, this distance from where Clements was shot and Decatur, TX is nearly 800 miles.

As for Ebel's "dark-colored", "boxy" four-door vehicle, is it possible that he switched cars and that the two-door car was ditched? Based on his actions prior to meeting his own demise - coupled with what he didn't ditch, the answer to that question is: not likely.

Consider the evidence allegedly found in Ebel's vehicle. On Sunday, March 17th, two days prior to Clements' murder, a Domino's Pizza delivery man named Nathan Leon was murdered near Denver. Based on what was found in Ebel's trunk, evidence implicated him in Leon's murder as well.

Via ABC 7 in Denver:
...Bradford (Texas Ranger) wrote that the Cadillac also contained evidence that could be linked to the Denver police investigation of the Sunday slaying of Nathan Leon, a Denver Domino’s Pizza delivery man.

In the Cadillac’s open trunk, investigators saw an insulated Domino’s Pizza carrier and a Domino’s shirt or jacket, the affidavit said.
Think about this for a minute. If Ebel murdered Leon two days prior to murdering the top guy for Colorado's Department of Corrections at his home, why would Ebel leave evidence of the first murder in the car he was driving when he murdered Clements? We are talking about an experienced criminal here. It doesn't make sense.

That wasn't the only evidence found in the vehicle that seemed to implicate Ebel.

Via CBS News:
The El Paso County sheriff's office said that "unique and often microscopic markings" found on shell casings in Texas and Colorado leads investigators to conclude that the gun Evan Ebel used to shoot at authorities in Texas was the same gun used to kill Tom Clements at his home on Tuesday.

It had been known that the casings found at both scenes were of the same caliber and brand but Monday's announcement was the first time Colorado investigators made a direct link between Ebel and Clements' death.
It would seem we're dealing with an incredibly stupid criminal here. Think about this possible chain of events:
  1. On Sunday, March 17th, Ebel murders a pizza delivery guy and puts the delivery box carrier and a shirt belonging to that guy, in his trunk.
  2. Two days later, on March 19th, with murder evidence still in his trunk, Ebel drives to the home of Tom Clements and murders him, while keeping the murder weapon.
  3. Two days after that, on March 21st, Ebel is in a high speed chase with police in Decatur, during which he shoots at them with the same gun he used to murder Clements, while also having evidence in his trunk that implicates him in the murder of a pizza delivery guy four days earlier.
This is the behavior of a murderer who had no interest in covering his tracks.

Let's take a look at some of the circumstances that allowed Ebel to be in a position to commit these murders in the first place.
  1. Ebel was released from prison four years too early, on January 28th (incidentally, three days prior to Hasse's murder in Kaufman, TX) as a result of a clerical error.
  2. On March 14th, three days before the murder of Leon, Ebel removed his ankle bracelet. Despite his being on "intensive supervised parole", authorities didn't take much interest in Ebel until the day of Clements' murder. In fact, a warrant wasn't issued for Ebel's arrest until the day after Clements was murdered.
Again, Ebel had to have known he was living on borrowed time when he allegedly murdered both Leon and Clements. Why would he seemingly want to implicate himself in those murders? It's as if he wanted to be caught and charged for committing them.

Who does that?

Ok, let's consider a narrative that would be incredibly beneficial to the Obama administration vs. one that would not. It's no secret that this administration has been waging class and race warfare ever since 2009; it thrives on such things. Identifying these murders as the actions of a white supremacist group like the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas would certainly be more preferable than pushing the notion that the killings were the work of say, Mexican drug cartels.

With so much evidence implicating Ebel, such a narrative is easier to push, is it not? While he's still the "alleged" murderer of Clements and Leon, the evidence that does exist appears to be so overwhelming that it's not far from being as obvious that Nidal Malik Hasan is the Fort Hood shooter.

The Obama administration would absolutely not want a narrative to take hold or evidence to come forth that Mexican drug cartels are behind these murders, primarily for two reasons:
  1. The Immigration debate / border security - In 2011, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano insisted that the border with Mexico is "safer than it's ever been" while the Democratic Party and the administration she works for has stonewalled every attempt to enhance border security. If it turns out that Mexican drug cartels are murdering U.S. prosecutors, Obama, et. al. might finally have a lot of 'splaining to do.
  2. Operation Fast and Furious - This operation was specifically designed to place high powered weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Two of those weapons were found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry in 2010 in Peck Canyon, AZ. Hundreds of Mexicans have been murdered at the hands of those weapons as well. It'd be bad enough for the administration if Americans learned of cartel savagery firsthand; the former could start connecting real dots relative to what the ATF did when it gave these weapons to cartels. It'd be far more disastrous for Obama if any of the weapons used in the murder of Americans on American soil turn out to be Fast and Furious guns.
Brandon Darby over at Breitbart has a very interesting find relative to the Aryan Brotherhood and its willingness to work with the Mexican cartels. In his piece, Darby quotes from declassified FBI documents, which indicate that the AB is more interested in drug trafficking than it is in race and that it seems to act in concert with cartels:
The purpose of the AB is now power and is not a racial organization as it has been deemed in the past. The AB’s continue to be aligned with members of the Mexican Mafia (EME) and certain motorcycle type inmates.
Let's revisit a bit of news that was making the rounds after Clements was murdered and before Ebel's death. It had been reported that one week prior to Clements was killed, he vetoed a request from a Saudi prisoner convicted in 2006 for the enslavement and repeated sexual assault of an Indonesian woman. Homaidan Al-Turki's request was that he finish serving his sentence in Saudi Arabia. In layman's terms, he wanted to be released.

In a letter to Al-Turki dated March 11th, three days before Ebel ditched his ankle bracelet, Clements informed the Saudi prisoner that his request for release to Saudi Arabia had been denied.

It should be lost on no one that some extremely powerful Saudis want to see Al-Turki freed.

Ebel becoming the most obvious suspect in the murder of Clements did two things. One, it prevented speculation about a major international showdown / scandal between the U.S and Saudi Arabia. Authorities began "de-prioritizing" an Al-Turki connection when the evidence against Ebel became so strong. Two, it enabled a narrative to take hold that a white supremacist group was likely behind the murder of a high-ranking Colorado prison official.

Extrapolating Ebel's alleged actions as a member of the Aryan Brotherhood to the murders in Kaufman, TX of District Attorneys (the McLellans were murdered after Ebel's death) helps to further the narrative that a racist group was behind all of the murders.

Certainly, we can all agree that if given the option of a Saudi hit man, Mexican drug cartels, or a white supremacist movement being implicated in the murders of state officials in Texas and Colorado, the Obama administration would certainly prefer the third option.

Go figure. That's the one being pushed by the mainstream Obama media.

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