Friday, April 5, 2013

Video: Interview with Jim DeMint (Best candidate for POTUS in 2016?)

When Jim DeMint, by far the most principled Senator in the U.S. Senate, announced that he was stepping down to lead the Heritage Foundation, most viewed it as a step down for conservatism - because DeMint was that good. As the dust has settled since that announcement, the seat held by DeMint has been filled by the very capable conservative Tim Scott (R-SC) and DeMint is prepared to impact the political landscape as a marketing tactician in a world rife with technological marketing tools.

The seat once held by DeMint is in good hands and effective April 4th, so is Heritage. On his first day as president of Heritage, DeMint sent out an open letter that explains what he's done during the transition and what he'd like to accomplish during his tenure. In many ways, he may just be more effective than if he'd stayed in the Senate.

In fact, if he does this right, DeMint may just become the obvious choice for president in 2016; he is certainly up to the task.

This morning, Ed Morrissey interviewed DeMint about his new role.

Via Hot Air:

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