Friday, December 18, 2009


This one comes in from Barrackaid #2. Pennsylvania senator Bob Casey (D) is beginning to feel constituent heat over his support of Obamacare relative to the abortion debate. As Ben Nelson appears to be holding his ground on no taxpayer funding in the senate bill, Casey is being pressured to do the same.

This ad is well placed and its originators have targeted Casey by reminding him about his father's strong pro-life advocacy.

Copy of letter sent along with video from Catholic Vote:
Dear CatholicVote Subscriber,

Big news.

We just released a new ad focused on Senator Casey in Pennsylvania.

Watch the new commercial at

Our new ad will begin running on both FOX News and CNN in Pennsylvania tomorrow and throughout the weekend

Senator Casey is a Catholic and Democrat. His late father served as Governor of Pennsylvania and was a hero to the pro-life movement, particularly after he courageously defended the pro-life position as a Democrat. He was ultimately shunned and censored by his own party at the 1992 Democratic National Convention.

Senator Robert Casey Jr. was elected in 2006, defeating then Senator Rick Santorum, a longtime friend of pro-family and pro-life causes. During the campaign Casey pledged to uphold the dignity of human life while in office. Despite these promises, his recent statements suggest he may vote for the health care bill anyway, abortion and all.

Tell Senator Casey: Don't do it! Don't let us down! Can you chip in $10 to purchase more air time?

Senator Casey is now facing the most important pro-life decision of his career. His vote, along with Senator Ben Nelson in Nebraska will likely decide the fate of the pending health care legislation.

Will the abortion-laden bill go forward?

Will taxpayers in Pennsylvania and every state be forced to fund abortion?

What will Casey do???

Our goal was to produce something a bit different than most political ads. We want to hold Senator Casey accountable, but also let him know that his fellow Catholics and pro-life Americans are counting on him. We are watching and praying. And we expect him to come through.

Watch our new ad. And if you haven’t yet pitched in, we need your help to purchase more TV time.

Tell Senator Casey we expect him to do the right thing. Tell Senator Casey: Don’t let us down!

- Brian, Josh, Kara, Pat and the CatholicVoteAction Team

P.S. Watch our new ad and chip in at Tell Senator Casey we expect him to step up to the plate!

And while you’re at it…here is the contact information for each of Senator Casey’s offices:

Washington D.C.
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6324
Fax: (202) 228-0604

22 S. Third Street, Suite 6A
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: (717) 231-7540
Fax: (717) 231-7542

2000 Market Street, Suite 1870
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 405-9660
Fax: (215) 405-9669

Regional Enterprise Tower
425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 2490
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: (412) 803-7370
Fax: (412) 803-7379

Northeastern PA
409 Lackawanna Avenue, Suite 301
Scranton, PA 18503
Phone: (570) 941-0930
Fax: (570) 941-0937

17 South Park Row, Suite B-150
Erie, PA 16501
Phone: (814) 874-5080
Fax: (814) 874-5084

Central PA
817 E. Bishop Street, Suite C
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Phone: (814) 357-0314
Fax: (814) 357-0318

Lehigh Valley
840 Hamilton Street, Suite 301
Allentown, PA 18101
Phone: (610) 782-9470
Fax: (610) 782-9474
h/t to Barrackaid #2

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