Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Politicians aren't finding many places where they can escape constituent wrath these days (town hall or otherwise). House Majority leader Steny Hoyer was in New York to discuss, among other things, mass transit. When the discussion switched over to health care, gov't spending, and the stimulus, he was met with loud shouts of, "You're lying to me" and "I know a liar when I see one" from concerned citizen Don Jeror.

With typical Washington arrogance, Hoyer attempted to pretend the man wasn't there but all that did was make him look more foolish as there was no coherent or discernible answer to the truth (starts at the -:53 mark).

REAL CLEAR POLITICS has the video.



It's been a down day and a bad week for the Obama spin machine. They're clearly on defense in response to the town halls and the video of Obama in 2003 saying he's a proponent of single payer health care DEFINITELY stung.

What's more is that Linda Douglass' attempt to rebut that tape WAS A JOKE! It actually made things worse for Obama because her claim that Obama's words were taken out of context was met with Breitbart releasing the entire clip, which made Obama look worse.

So how does the administration respond? Naturally, they START LOOKING for informants to report ANYONE who is speaking or writing against the new health care plan.

Folks, Obama is on his heels if he's getting this desperate. It's Rule #1 straight out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

This strategy is very similar to pulling out the race card. Race-baiters prefer not to whip it out but they do so as a last resort while believing that Intimidation will do the trick. Until recently (Sgt. Crowley), the threat of the race card scared people.

Call Obama out on this as well. DO NOT TAKE THIS!



The Obama administration is finding it more and more difficult to use silence as a strategy. When you're in politics, it's often the best and most often used tactic. For some reason, they're having difficulty with implementation.

As always, when those who practice silence in the face of criticism can't do so, it's because a nerve has been struck.



Ok, so Obama trots out Linda Douglass to debunk the supposed quotes that were taken out of context by Naked Emperor. Words like the ones uttered by Obama in 2003 when he said, "I happen to be a proponent of single payor universal health care."

DOUGLASS THEN SAYS quotes were taken out of context and cherry-picked without demonstrating how. In response, BREITBART has taken heed and released the entire one minute clip to apparently provide context (below).

Uh, Ms. Douglass, you'd have been better off saying nothing because this uncut version acutally looks worse for your boss.

Anyone up for a "Linda Douglass thrown under the bus" poll?


This is literally unbelievable. Representative Cliff Stearns (R) of Florida grilled Henry Paulson on July 30th. Paulson was visibly shaken and even though there's no video to go along with this (allegedly taken off of YouTube), the dress down is obvious.

INVEST YOURSELF sent me the link. Here are the highlights of the exchange mixed in with a post-mortem interview with Stearns.

If the YouTube clip cuts off, TRY THIS.

Saying that Paulson should be in trouble is an understatement.

Here is a link to the CLIFF STEARNS BIO


Austin Rep. Lloyd Doggett was confronted by protestors upon his return home from Washington and instead of hearing the message, he decided to whip out the Arrogant card on Chris Matthews' show. Calling the protests a "desperate tactic" by people who are "desperate to stop health reform", he referred to people with a legitimate beef as a "Republican mob".

In the most shameful moment of arrogance, Dogget said that these protests served to "Reaffirm my resolve" to push forward instead of influencing him to change course.

Again, I know that I just posted the Barack Obama Truth Squad link but it serves as a nice contrast to Doggett's accusations.


This time, the politician facing the wrath and righteous admonition is Democrat Steve Kagen (D-WI). Kagen must've hired a high-caliber PR firm to come up with the term, "Listening Session" in hopes of keeping voices down.

I hope he got a money-back guarantee. He's going to need it.


h/t to HOT AIR


It appears the Obamautomatons have decided to take on the town hall protestors by calling them "mobs" and saying they're being "organized" by Republican operatives. So Community Organizers are accusing others of community organizing?

POLITICO reports that Texas Representative (D-Austin) Lloyd Doggett is calling angry protestors "mobs".

So what was it called last September when Obama told people to "argue with" people and "get in their face" and "you are my ambassadors" and "you guys are the ones that can make the case"?

Oh yeah, and lest we not forget the Barack Obama Truth Squad......

Can you say, "Hypocrisy on Steroids"?


When the preferred tactic of ignoring attacks is shunned by people in this current administration, you know the attacker has landed a blow. That appears to be the case with a video that was posted to the internet yesterday.

As a Community Organizer, Obama absolutely HATES being on defense. He prefers to be spending his time "baiting" his opponents while ignoring and brushing off any attacks (maybe why he's so good at killing flies). Here's the video posted by NAKED EMPEROR NEWS that "baited" Obama into reacting.

Now we learn that a former ABC News correspondent turned Obama administration mouthpiece is featured in a three minute video to tell us how Mr. Obama was taken out of context.

Absolutely pathetic. Note what Douglass does. First she says this:
“So what happens is that because he’s talking to the American people so much, there are people out there with a computer and a lot of free time, and they take a phrase here and there — they simply cherry-pick and put it together, and make it sound like he’s saying something that he didn’t really say.”
Something he didn't say? HE WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE SAYING IT! Douglass is LYING! Being the open-minded individual I am, I waited for her to PUT the quotes Obama was captured saying INTO context. She didn't. Instead, she played other clips of Obama spewing his talking points.

Ms. Douglass, unless Obama was quoting someone else when he said these things, there is no way they could have been taken out of context.

OBAMA 2007: "I don't think we'll be able to ELIMINATE employer coverage IMMEDIATELY."

OBAMA 2003: "I happen to be a proponent of single payer universal health care." (Note that Douglass said Obama's been talking to the American people so much. Uh, was he doing that in 2003?)

Yeah, that would explain why you spent NO TIME in your three minute video actually proving that they WERE taken out of context.

This tactic by Team Obama is CLEARLY the application of Saul Alinsky's RULE #10, which states:

The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, "Okay, what would you do?"

It's pretty easy to see that if Obama's response to his true beliefs on health care being exposed is this three minute piece of trash, he failed to avoid being trapped.

POLITICO has more on Douglass in full spin mode.


This one is an alleged blue dog named Steve Driehaus (D-OH) who was thoroughly dressed down by this lady in Cincinnati, who landed a haymaker when highlighting all of the examples of existing competition and telling Driehaus to "stay out of our face". The camera then turns toward Driehaus who appeard to be overcome with apoplexy in response.

What's truly pathetic is that citizens who are just trying to raise families, pay the bills, and put food on their tables are demonstrating a firmer grasp of the issues than are these whack job politicians who ARE PAID to represent us.

WORD OF CAUTION: As these town halls heat up, keep an eye out for a major distraction and when it rears its head, ask if its origins could have come from the Obama administration.



With each new development in Birth Certifi-gate comes a new reason to see the whole thing as a contrived attempt by someone in the Obama administration to keep people distracted from focusing on the tangible instead of the tangential.

The WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT brings forth some evidence on the alleged "smoking gun" Kenyan Birth Certificate that also carries echoes of Rather-gate.
One of my friends in the small community of Obama “birther”-debunkers passes on quite the discovery: a 1964 “certified copy of registration of birth” from Australia, easily available on Bomford.net, a genealogy site. There are striking similarities between this document and the one Orly Taitz is passing off as a “Kenyan birth certificate” for Barack Obama.
Check out the visual similarities....

I'm starting to get quite frustrated with the loss of otherwise aggressive bull dog alternative journalists focusing on this issue.

THE ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANT BATTLE that needs to be waged RIGHT NOW is against Obama-care. If this battle is not won, our nation could be forever changed (for the worse). This battle needs to be fought through the entire month of August via town halls and justifiably angry voters holding their politicians accountable with peaceful but forceful demonstrations.

There is strength in numbers and all this Birth Certificate controversy is doing is distracting would-be town hall attendees.

Journalists who are so convinced that there is something to Birth Certifi-Gate should, at the very least, WAIT UNTIL THE AUGUST RECESS HAS PASSED to pursue it. Voters who know the importance of defeating this health care bill will focus on it regardless of what happens in Certifi-Gate but those who don't may choose the wrong battle to wage.

Even if there were something to Obama's citizenship status and it were uncovered today, he would absolutely benefit from it because these politicians would necessarily feel less heat this month. In fact, at this point, Obama may wish he was born in Kenya so he can get EVERYONE off the backs of his already sharp-elbowed and strong-armed democrats that are shaking in their boots while looking up from the bottom of Obama's pockets. Does anyone truly think any of whom would stand up and impeach him / remove him from office if it were learned that he's not eligible? They hide under their desks every time Emanuel comes knocking as it is.

The only answer is that these whack job politicians need to feel more heat from their constituents than from Rahmbo because as scared of Emanuel as they may be, they're more scared of losing their jobs. With every person that chooses the empty Birth Certificate shell comes less heat turned up on those who need it.

Besides, isn't it a coincidence that this "smoking gun" surfaces just as the August recess is commencing?

As the church lady once said, "How convenient".

Another example is Gates-gate. I believe Obama's "stupidly" comment was said on purpose in order to create the same kind of distraction that this Birth Certificate controversy has created. IT TAKES HEAT OFF OF THE PEOPLE ON WHOM IT NEEDS TURNED UP.

People who believe this is not an Alinsky-inspired distraction need to read Rules for Radicals to understand what is happening.

"War is Deception"

- Sun Tzu

h/t to HOT AIR