Monday, December 5, 2011

Gingrich in 2003: I'm a 'Theodore Roosevelt Republican' and 'Government has to Lead on Healthcare'

Newt Gingrich has rocketed to the poll position in the race for the Republican Party's nomination by impressing conservative voters with his words in late 2011 but it's his words and deeds in the past that may bring him crashing to political earth at some point.

This is likely to be a bit of a drag on his thrust.

Via Breitbart, here is Newt in 2003 saying that Government has to 'lead on Healthcare.' He also refers to himself as a 'Theodore Roosevelt Republican.' That's like saying he's a 'John McCain Republican.' Roosevelt was a progressive and this should bolster the arguments of those who insist Gingrich is big government Republican. This ain't Tea Party talk.

I don't agree with liberals very often at all but I agree with Kirsten Powers here, who says Newt will implode, it's just a question of whether he does it before or after getting the nomination.

Via MediaIte:

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