Sunday, March 25, 2012

Occupy Oakland is back for 'Spring Offensive,' using Trayvon Martin killing as fuel

We knew this was coming. The Occupy movement miscreants - who cried uncle in the face of disease, rapes, murders, assaults, arson, mountains of human waste, and the bitter winter cold - have climbed back out of their holes (made warm by someone else's hard work). Perhaps the city with the worst reputation when it comes to the OWS movement (worst of the worst) is Oakland, which is coincidentally, where Van Jones is from.

As added incentive, Occupy Oakland is using the Trayvon Martin killing as fuel for its crime spree, masked as a righteous encampment.

Via Police One:
OAKLAND, Calif. — Occupy Oakland activists have set up a new encampment in a park north of downtown, calling it a response to the recent arrests of protesters in New York and the shooting death of an unarmed Florida teenager.

About a dozen people in six tents spent Wednesday night in Mosswood Park at Broadway and West MacArthur Boulevard. They were still there Thursday.

Police visited the group around 9 a.m. but did not ask them to leave, according to protesters.

"This is the start of the spring offensive," said Melvin Kelley, a member of the group's Tactical Action Committee. "This is our new encampment until May 1, when we retake" Frank Ogawa Plaza, which the group occupied last year.

Kelley said the activists had pitched tents to show support for Occupy Wall Street protesters who were arrested in New York's Zuccotti Park last week while commemorating the six-month anniversary of the movement.

They are also protesting the killing of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American who was shot to death by a white man in a gated community near Orlando, Fla., on Feb. 26. The man, George Zimmerman, says he was defending himself against the unarmed teen and has not been arrested.
The description of Zimmerman as a "white man" is a bit misleading. He is actually a Latino. Say, are these OWS movements made up of any Hispanics? If so, and Zimmerman is exonerated (this is a possibility, at least based on one witness account), will those Hispanics continue to side with the movement?

h/t GWP

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