Sunday, March 25, 2012

Video: Has Santorum just given us his 'acted stupidly' moment?

If there's one fact about the Trayvon Martin murder case that I feel comfortable echoing with the absolute certitude of personal conviction, it's that we don't have all the facts. That's what makes the comments from Rick Santorum during his appearance on Face the Nation so troubling. Santorum is obviously drawing conclusions based on a premise that says George Zimmerman pursued Trayvon Martin so that he could kill him.

This is a narrative that has been pushed by the mainstream media and the mainstream kooks like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson but it is NOT one that should be furthered by Santorum, especially in light of evidence courtesy of a newly revealed witness who says Martin attacked Zimmerman. Doing so makes Santorum appear as if he's attempting to score political points.

Take note of what Santorum does here, while trying to place himself above both Obama and Gingrich. He singles out Zimmerman as someone who "has a very sick mind," and had "a malicious" motive.

Via Daily Caller:

If Santorum is right, he will be proven to have been quite prescient. However, if he is wrong, he will have jumped to conclusions without having all of the facts (just like Obama did during the Henry Louis Gates controversy). Here is a video from ABC's Good Morning America that features Zimmerman's personal friend Joe Oliver (who is black) and Zimmerman's attorney. Note that Oliver says Zimmerman 'couldn't stop crying' after the murder.

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