Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Santorum says he's open to being Romney's running mate

In an interview with David Brody, Rick Santorum said he would be open to being Romney's pick for Vice President. If Santorum is given the benefit of the doubt, this may be nothing more than an attempt at a reset in the wake of a manufactured media narrative that said Santorum would support Obama over Romney. However, if Santorum is saying that he would take the number two slot instead of a brokered convention, that's something else entirely.

Via Christian Post:
Rick Santorum has shown he is a tireless campaigner and is the number one choice of evangelical voters. Now the former Pennsylvania senator is saying he is open to the idea of filling the nation's number two slot if his fellow GOP front-runner secures the party's nomination.

In a Monday interview with CBN's David Brody, when Santorum was asked if he would consider running alongside Mitt Romney as the vice presidential nominee, he gave an affirmative reply.

"Of course," Santorum told Brody. "I mean, look. I would do in this race as I always say, this is the most important race in our country's history. I'm going to do everything I can."
So, is that an attempt to re-calibrate in the face of accusations that Santorum thinks Romney is no better than Obama or is Rick hinting that he didn't learn from his Arlen Specter endorsement?

If this primary continues on its current trajectory, it will reach a point where there will only be two possibilities:
  1. Mitt Romney is the nominee
  2. Brokered convention
Is Rick Santorum saying he would prevent #2 by ensuring #1 by being on the ticket? If so, it would be the Arlen Specter endorsement redux. It could also likely be perceived by his evangelical supporters as a colossal compromise of principles. In fact, if Romney is the worst possible candidate the Republicans could put up against Obama, a Romney/Santorum ticket would only make Romney worse, in light of why Santorum's supporters are behind him.

The flip side to this is the Romney campaign. They may have their collective heart set on Marco Rubio but if faced with the "specter" of a brokered convention or a Romney/Santorum ticket, my guess is that ego could win the day.

Kinda like a game show where you have $1 Million in hand and can go home or risk it all for $2 Million. Whaddya do?

If Santorum were to avoid a brokered convention by teaming up with a guy he has publicly stated offers no real contrast to Obama, what will that say?

I know what it will say to me - Arlen Specter redux in the name of doing what's best for the party. 

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