Saturday, April 21, 2012

Al Sharpton Fallout: Black man in Illinois admits to beating up White Man because of Trayvon

Al Sharpton's handiwork relative to the Trayvon Martin case seems to be reaching all across the country. Thanks to him, whenever there is a black on white crime committed, people instinctively wonder if it was racially motivated based on what's going on in Sandford, FL - even if it turns out not to be the case. It now appears that a suspect in the beating of a white man in Illinois has told police that he did it because of his anger over Trayvon's killing.

Via Fox Chicago:
Alton L. Hayes III, a west suburban man charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday.

Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind the 19-year-old man victim and pinned his arms to his side, police said. Hayes, 18, then picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy.”

The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away, police said. Hayes and the boy are black; the victim is white.

After being arrested, Hayes told police he was upset by the Trayvon Martin case and beat the man up because he was white, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said, citing court records.
Let's face it, if not for Sharpton and an irresponsible mainstream media eager to listen to him, Alton L. Hayes III never would have heard of Trayvon Martin. Using someone's death to justify attacking innocent people is hardly a good way to remember that person's death.

h/t Hapblog

1 comment:

  1. Why hasnt the Black Panthers and Sharpton and that loud mouth midgett Spike Lee been held accountable fopr there lose lips and bone head stunts that endangered and thearted inecent people if I said Al Sharpton want Dead or ALIVE Id be locked up even if I feel that it was justifed IT STILL AGAINST THE LAW WHY ARE WHITES BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY POVERTY MONGERS LIKE SHARPTON AND JACKSON causing trouble editting 911 calls and swearing them to be correct inf. HE IS A HATE MONGER that only use is a moveing target for Trouble when we stop listen to sorry excuses for humans and treat each ohter the way we should and stop allowing the GOVERMENT to set standereds for Americans they cant pay there bills and behave like the leaders they are elected to be. The Goverment is a JOKE a ship with out a rudder losdt at sea no direction or clue to what the hell to do next they made such a mess is almost hopeless. And we listen to them for direction how cansomeone with so much hate and clueless to what happens to in this country everyday AL hasnt slept at a shelter I have AL hasnt ever been on food stamps he never lost u job I have but he makes millions off the poor and has no feelings other than hiselfSTOP HIS LYEING ASS HOLD HIM ACCOUTABLE TO WHAT HE SPEWS OUT IS WRONG AND HOLD HIM ACCOUTABLE
