Saturday, April 21, 2012

Desperation: DOJ Directs reporter to Media Matters story when asked about Fast and Furious

An exchange between a Washington Free Beacon reporter and a DOJ official seems to provide the perfect example for why stonewalling is the preferred course of action for administration officials implicated in operation Fast and Furious. That DOJ official directed that reporter to the George Soros-backed Media Matters.

Via Breitbart:
Katie Dixon, a 'confidential assistant' in the Office of Public Affairs at the Department of Justice, reportedly sent an email to Washington Free Beacon writer C.J. Ciaramella that she had been directed to send him a link to Media Matters for America, which holds weekly "strategy calls" with the White House, in response to an inquiry  regarding the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.
Here is a link to the story Dixon directed Ciaramella to. Again, sending a link to a Media Matters story is a far more damaging than hitting "delete" when the email came in. Media Matters was launched by none other than the Center for American Progress (CAP), a George Soros operation that has been referred to by TIME Magazine and Bloomberg as an entity that sets policy for the Obama administration. CAP is also where former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones went to become a "senior fellow" after stepping down in 2009.

Discover the Networks has much more on Media Matters.

Breitbart also reports that Dixon worked for the DNC and Organizing for America.

To stonewall or not to stonewall.

***UPDATE*** It appears that the question Ciaramella had for Dixon involved reports of a third gun found at the scene of Brian Terry's murder.

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