Sunday, April 8, 2012

Video: Rep. Raul Labrador on Media attacking Mormonism

While appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) was asked about Republican Senator Orrin Hatch's contention that the Obama administration would attack Mitt Romney over the latter's Mormonism. Labrador agreed, saying that the administration would use the media to do it. Feigning ignorance, Gregory asked the congressman to explain. Labrador proceeded to point to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's attacks on the religion.

Via MediaIte:

David Gregory's attempt to play innocent was laughable. While appearing on Jay Leno recently, Gregory did EXACTLY what O'Donnell did, albeit in a far more subtle way. O'Donnell's coverage of Mormonism was meant to expose and demean the religion. In his exchange with Leno, Gregory suggested that Romney should talk about his Mormonism because his nomination is so monumental that he won't be able to avoid it.

Both O'Donnell and Gregory work for NBC / MSNBC and both are doing the same thing - calling attention to Mormonism - via different means, while employing the "good cop  / bad cop" strategy. Here is Gregory with Jay Leno. Note the subtlety he uses to encourage Romney to expose Mormonism. In light of the clip with Labrador above, Gregory is officially exposed as an apparatchik.

Here is the clip of O'Donnell that Labrador was referring to on Meet the Press:

This clip of O'Donnell is even more scathing of Romney's religion. Frankly, team Romney is going to have a very hard time batting this one away:

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