As for Crowley.... Truly a public servant.

Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
"The complexity of events that led up to the Honduran crisis has given rise to questions regarding U.S. policy," Senator Richard Lugar, one of the Senate's most respected voices on foreign policy, wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.DeMint went a step further by informing Clinton of a potential consequence if clarity isn't provided:
Because of U.S. support for Zelaya, conservative Republican Senator Jim DeMint has threatened to delay a Senate vote on the nomination of Arturo Valenzuela to be assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs, the senior diplomat in charge of Latin America at the State Department.Most telling about who's right and who's wrong in this is the Obama Administration's actions coupled with their silence and stonewalling when it comes to explaining them.
"I request that the Department provide interested Members a detailed clarification of the steps that it has taken, and intends to take, in response to the events that transpired in the run-up to and period after the forced removal of President Manuel Zelaya from Honduras," Lugar wrote to Clinton.