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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

CNN Reporting Daniel Pearl's family upset with Mormon Baptism

If anyone thinks this is going away because it's silly, they're sadly mistaken. The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to throw the Jeremiah Wright controversy back into the faces of Republicans and conservatives who bemoaned the fact that the media wouldn't cover it.

MSNBC and CNN are increasingly going after Mormonism and the closer Romney gets to sowing up the nomination, the more vicious the attacks will be.

CNN is now quoting the family of beheaded journalist Daniel Pearl, a Jew who was baptized into the Mormon religion posthumously.

Via CNN:
A muckraking ex-Mormon researcher struck again this week, revealing that some Mormons conducted a proxy baptism for slain Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl last year.

The disclosure comes after recent revelations that Jewish victims of the Holocaust, including Anne Frank and a parent of Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, had been baptized by proxy by Mormons.

Helen Radkey, who has been combing through Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints records for years, told CNN the Pearl incident was one of "the most egregious," because of the circumstances of Pearl's death.

Pearl, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, was kidnapped in Pakistan and beheaded by terrorists in 2002. Prior to his execution he was forced to read a statement on camera saying he was Jewish, an episode that was captured on video.

Radkey, found LDS records that revealed Pearl was posthumously baptized at the Twin Falls, Idaho Temple in June.

The baptism struck a nerve with Pearl's mother, Ruth Pearl. She said in a statement that while she knew Mormons had good intentions, and meant the baptism as a way to offer salvation, "rest assured that Danny's soul was redeemed through the life that he lived and the values that he upheld."

"He lived as a proud Jew, died as a proud Jew and is currently facing his creator as a Jew, blessed, accepted and redeemed," Ruth Pearl's statement said.

"For the record, let it be clear: Danny did not choose to be baptized, nor did his family consent to this uncalled for ritual," her statement continued.

Pearl's widow, Mariane Pearl, told CNN's Brian Todd that whoever conducted the proxy baptism should have contacted the family out of respect.

"I'm shocked by the fact anyone would do something like this," she said.
There is plenty more to this and the liberal media is licking its chops at the prospect of giving viewers a steady diet of this. If the mainstream media can make contraception the issue of the day, it can certainly do the same with Romney's religion.

Make no mistake - they will if he is the nominee.

Big Government: There is Video of that Saul Alinsky play Obama attended

Yesterday, Andrew Breitbart's legacy began with an explosive revelation about Barack Obama's attendance at a play and participation in a panel discussion afterward; that 1998 play celebrated the life of Saul Alinsky. Now BG is reporting there is a lone video recording of the play and it's in the hands of an Obama supporter who directed the play. Her name is Pam Dickler and she has no intention of coughing it up.

Via Big Government:
“There is only one archive tape of the play and I have it,” Dickler informed our source. “It is not in Chicago.”

Dickler told our source that she doesn’t believe she’s ever watched the tape, and she doesn’t know if it “can be viewed.” But she added: “No one is going to see the tape.”

She said she felt “very protective over it … due to all of the interest from conservatives recently.” She also told our source that the poster for the play was never supposed to be distributed.

Dickler added that there were no transcripts of the panel discussion.
“They didn’t know he was going to go on to become the president,” she said. “If they had known that, they would have of course kept any transcripts, but there were never any taken.”
Am I the only one who had flashbacks to this story from 2008 after reading that? The Los Angeles Times sat on a video of Barack Obama that likely would have prevented him from becoming president.

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