Does anyone think the president and the former president were unaware that the city in which they were dining was mesmerized by the ACORN scandal - especially since ACORN had bragged that its employees had kicked Mr. O'Keefe and Ms. Giles out of their New York office?Then, a few paragraphs later.....
No one in the morally superior media world has asked, why did Mr. Obama have lunch with Mr. Clinton that day? So let me take a guess, and it seems like an obvious answer. Mr. Obama, under siege by a video-a-day expose that was exposing the Democratic Party to an avalanche of consequences (ACORN defunded in the House and Senate, ACORN delinked from the census, etc.), needed advice from the last president to navigate through a major political scandal.If any president has experience in dealing with scandals, it would be #42. Who said Barack lacked good judgment?
The real point of BREITBART'S PIECE is to shed light on former Clinton Chief of Staff and Chairman of Obama's Presidential transition team, John Podesta. Podesta, who heads the Center for American Progress has been tasked with leading an investigation into ACORN, which doesn't seem to be going the way most would expect according to Breitbart:
Since Mr. Podesta was appointed to investigate ACORN, the only thing investigated has been the investigators, Mr. O'Keefe, Ms. Giles and the publisher of the journalism behind it, yours truly.And for those of you who at times grow weary of the fight....
The left is betting that 2009 is 1998 again and that the media will help them out like last time. Mr. Obama is betting that Mr. Clinton's 1998 strategy and his resources can extricate him from this growing mess. But 2009 has a new set of circumstances, new technologies and new citizen journalists that can now hold the mainstream media in check for its naked partisanship.Breitbart's point that Podesta is consciously leading the media to make the story about O'Keefe, Giles, and himself is well taken considering that Podesta attended ACORN's 39th anniversary party.
Here is Podesta entering ACORN'S 39th anniversary party this past June. Also in attendance was Chuck Schumer.