I'm in Washington, D.C. this week with Lynn Woolley for the FAIR "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" conference and had a chance to check out the landmarks today. One of the most memorable moments of the sightseeing was when two young ladies from Turkey stopped us to take their picture in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Their english was somewhat broken but they did NOT need signs in their own language to understand what to do or where to go. They were legitimately interested in the history of this nation. They are exchange students who are heading back to Turkey next week and if they are interested in becoming American citizens, I say we fast track them because they really seem to admire our ideals.
Lynn and I will be on radio row Tuesday, the 15th and Wednesday, the 16th from 9am-Noon EST. Joining us at 9:15am on Tuesday is talkshow host Roger Hedgecock. Brigitte Gabriel will be with us at 10:05am. Ira Mehlman and Robert Rector will on the show as well.
Stream us live at
BE LOGICAL.Here is the
FAIR WEBSITE.Anyway, here are some pictures....
Barrack at the SCOTUS...

Barrack at the Washington Monument...

The Capitol Building at Night...

Woolley Dodges Duck Doo Doo...