Researchers and intelligence professionals have been actively engaged in identifying trends in this domain, particularly since September 11, 2001 .HERE is the reference:
22 Paul K . Davis and Kim Cragin, eds . Social Science for Counterterrorism. (2009); Carol Dyer, Ryan E . McCoy, Joel Rodriguez, and Donald N . Van Duyn . “Countering Violent Islamic Extremism .”Aside from that, no mention of the origin of our enemy.

Useless crap. Here is an example:
DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1304.28 (Guidance for the Appointment of Chaplains for the MIlitary Departments) provides the Department with broad authority to deny recognition to individuals as ecclesiastical endorsers while also ensuring the ability of military members to exercise freedom of religion. Although this policy is appropriate, the Department will review and update existing policy to ensure effective implementation, including periodic reviews of religious organizations seeking to endorse religious ministry professionals as military chaplains.Seriously, why couldn't they say that based on the fact that Nidal Malik Hasan gunned down fourteen Americans in the name of Islam, the DoD will increase skepticism of the Islamic faith?
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