As a Christian, O'Donnell was obviously engaging in what is called 'Testimony' about her past. For those on the left who don't get that, it's part of the process known as 'redemption'.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton held imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi as a therapeutic release, according to a new book written by Bob Woodward, says a report in Sunday's edition of The Chicago Sun-Times.So O'Donnell has a spiritual awakening, is saved, testifies about her past transgressions, and is smeared for it. Meanwhile, Hillary apparently has had no awakening, reportedly counseled with a psychic, talked to the dead, and is unwilling to discuss it - apparently, so is Karl Rove.
The first lady declined a personal adviser's suggestion that she address Jesus Christ, however, because it would be "too personal," according to Woodward's book, "The Choice."
The book, which is still to be published, takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Clintons, as well as Bob and Elizabeth Dole.
Woodward says the adviser was Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research, which he describes as a group that studies the psychic experience and altered and expanded consciousness.
Here's the clip of O'Donnell in 1999 on Bill Maher's show.
h/t to Free Republic for Hillary article.