The Pope wishes that Turkey would not come into the EU. UK’s Guardian newspaper reported that the pope is responsible for the Vatican’s growing hostility towards Turkey joining the EU, according to previously secret cables. This further proves that the Vatican is not our enemy and that Europe will not fall into Muslim hands. Americans need to see this and understand that the Catholic Church will help the West and the Church fight againts that Islamization of the West. The Catholic church is the enemy of Islam just as it was the enemy of the Nazi Party.The point is well taken as Turkey has been drifting away from secularism and toward Islamism ever since Erdogan took office as Prime Minister and Abdullah Gul assumed the presidency. Since then, its relations with Iran have continued to strengthen as well.
Turkey and Iran are planning on becoming economic allies. Press TV reported that “Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mansour Borqaei says Tehran and Ankara need to form joint expert groups to further expand bilateral exports. [...] The Turkish side, in turn, described Iran and Turkey as two great nations in the Middle East, saying that the common history and civilization that both countries share are all the more reason for them to enjoy cordial relations.”
Here is yet another example of how some good can come out of the Wikileaks cables. In fact, it's a bit of a mystery why the Pope wasn't public with this sentiment all along. Not coming out forcefully and publicly has only fueled suspicions about where he stood. Had he publicly made such statements, western allies would have been much more supportive. In fact, as Cardinal Ratzinger in 2004, the future Pope voiced the concerns years ago as well. Unfortunately, to the public, it can appear he doesn't realize such things based on public stances. Thanks to this particular cable, we now know the Vatican appears to understand the greater Islamic threat to western civilization.
Click here for the Guardian article.
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