In short, the answer is that Van isn't his real name, his background is very radical, and stonewalling from the White House is preventing us from knowing who hired him.
Got that? We do have a quote from Van Jones that was published in 2005 in which he talked about his transformation after getting arrested. Perhaps it sheds light on his radical background:
"I met all these young radical people of color - I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of... I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary...I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th..By August, I was a communist."Radicals, communists, and anarchists. Sounds a bit like Bill Ayers' cup of tea.
Kincaid has more on that:
Jones shows up on a list of "veteran activists" attending a conference in the summer of 1998 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the same place where Bill Ayers is now a professor. The purpose was to plot the "Black Liberation Agenda for the 21st Century" under the auspices of the Black Radical Congress. Angela Davis participated and the Communist Party USA helped organize the event.That would be the same Communist Party USA that Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis belonged to. Davis also lived in Chicago until he moved to Hawaii in 1948 to escape FBI heat. That is where he met Obama in 1971. Ironically and coincidentally (I'm sure), Obama then ended up in Chicago, from where Davis came.
Another interesting string of facts about Van Jones:
One of Jones' sons is named Cabral, in honor of Amilcar Cabral, the African Marxist who spoke to Castro's Tricontinental Congress in 1966 and concluded with these words: "Our wish is that every national liberation movement represented here may be able to repeat in its own country, arms in hand, in unison with its people, the already legendary cry of Cuba: Patria O Muerte, Venceremos! Death to the Forces of Imperialism! Free, Prosperous and Happy Country for Each of our Peoples! Venceremos!"Cuba? That would be the same Cuba that worked very closely with Bill Ayers and Weather Underground via the Venceremos Brigade.
A group headed by Van Jones called STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement) had objectives that mirrored those of Weather Undergound. As if this wasn't enough, the co-founder of Weather Underground with Bill Ayers was a man named Jeff Jones, who runs the New York office the group Apollo Alliance, a group that Van Jones only recently left. AARON KLEIN has more on this relationship.
Another eery reality is the similarity between the logos of both Weather Underground and Storm (below).

Grathwhohl testified under oath that Weather Underground intend to enlist the help of radical elements from Cuba to help overthrow the American government, which is interesting in light of why Van Jones gave his son the name he did. In fact, listen as Grathwohl explains how the Weather Underground intended to squash a counter-revolution on the part of America as it was being overthrown. Then take note of what WU wanted to do with capitalists who couldn't be re-educated.