It'd be bad enough if this fine young fellow simply represented the New Black Panther Party that's embroiled in a DOJ scandal that involves dropping a slam dunk case of blatant voter intimidation after winning a default judgment. In the context of the scandal, it would simply provide additional bad PR that the NBPP simply doesn't need. However, this is actually the guy who was caught on video at the Philadelphia polling station on November 4th, 2008. So, not only did Holder's DOJ drop all charges in a case it had already won but one of the individuals involved lets loose here with some KKK style rhetoric, calling for racially motivated murder.
His name? King Samir Shabazz. His game? Hatin' on whitey and exhorting blacks to "kill some crackers" and "kill some of their babies". Uh, if Eric Holder thought he had a headache when J. Christian Adams resigned to testify in front of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, he may want to see a neurosurgeon after this video goes viral.
via Naked Emperor News
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
In addition to the jobs-gate scandal that has been dogging Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Sestak (D) in his race for Senate against Pat Toomey, there may be another one brewing for Sestak. How do ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) sound? He is losing Jewish voters as a direct result.
An ad courtesy of Jews For Sarah and the story behind it was featured in a piece by World Net Daily:
It's curious that Specter didn't seize on this during his race with Sestak. It could have been a repeat of what worked for him in 1992, when his opponent was shown to be anti-Israel; that revelation carried Specter to victory. The question I have is why didn't he capitalize on Sestak's ties to CAIR?
Curiously, as WND points out, Sestak was approached by members of the Jewish community prior to speaking at the CAIR event and warned not to attend.
Click HERE to see the ad Jews For Sarah placed in the Philiadelphia Jewish Exponent.

Sestak, whose Senate bid is backed by activists with the far-left grass-roots group, had likewise expected heavy Jewish electoral and financial support until the controversy over his ties to CAIR began heating up in recent days.While there is no excuse for politicians not to know what CAIR's true intentions are, in 2007 public awareness of those intentions was nowhere near where it is in 2010. Consequently, these revelations about Sestak are unquestionably going to do more damage to him than they would in 2007. Regardless, it was public knowledge by 2007 that CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial in which the defendants were found guilty of several counts related to terrorism. Sestak would have been the keynote speaker at the CAIR event during the same year that case went to trial.
A large advertisement in this week's edition of the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent reminded voters that in 2007 Sestak served as the keynote speaker at a local fundraising dinner for CAIR.
It's curious that Specter didn't seize on this during his race with Sestak. It could have been a repeat of what worked for him in 1992, when his opponent was shown to be anti-Israel; that revelation carried Specter to victory. The question I have is why didn't he capitalize on Sestak's ties to CAIR?
Curiously, as WND points out, Sestak was approached by members of the Jewish community prior to speaking at the CAIR event and warned not to attend.
At a meeting with Sestak at the Havertown Jewish Community Center in 2007, members of the local Jewish community pleaded with Sestak to withdraw from the CAIR event, but he declined.Even recently, Sestak lined up with those who had a problem with how Israel handled the flotilla endorsed by Turkey's IHH and the Free Gaza Movement.
The anti-Sestak ad also points out the lawmaker refused to join a pro-Israel letter, signed by 329 members of Congress last year, urging President Obama to work closely with Israel to advance peace. Sestak also declined to sign another pro-Israel congressional letter, in March, that affirmed the U.S. and Israel are "close allies."Until America admits the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood and all of the groups affiliated with it - among them is CAIR - we will continue to lose the battle.
Sestak did, however, sign a January letter lambasting Israel for using "collective punishment" against Palestinian residents of Gaza. The letter sought to put pressure on Israel to ease up on its blockade of the Hamas regime.
Click HERE to see the ad Jews For Sarah placed in the Philiadelphia Jewish Exponent.
Joe Sestak,
Senate Race
In any other administration, this story would likely be front and center. In the age of Obama, it's just another in a long string of despicably obvious transgressions that its spokespersons stonewall; a willingly biased media just plays along. Nonetheless, former Attorney for the Department of Justice - now retired whistle blower - J. Christian Adams is set to testify today in front of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on how Eric Holder's DOJ handled this case.
Again, as if we need another reason to question Eric Holder's integrity, if this reaches up to him, he should unquestionably be fired - I know, three hands are needed to count how many times we've heard that one in the last 18 months.
While Adams, in an interview with Fox's Megyn Kelly chose his words carefully, he didn't mince any. He wouldn't go so far as to call the DOJ corrupt but he did say with no equivocation that the decision in this case was a corrupt one. Possibly his most explosive charge centered around assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez; Adams basically levied the charge that Perez lied under oath. To watch Adams levy these charges, click on the link to the video embedded in the Fox News story below.
Fox News Reports:
It's also noteworthy that the individual who replaced Coates is the same person Adams accused of lying under oath - Asst. Attorney General, Thomas Perez.
Another name important to this case is a Democrat / poll watcher named Bartle Bull. He is outraged by the behavior of the Department of Justice in this case.
The video from November 4th, 2008; it should be living in infamy.
h/t to Hot Air Pundit
Again, as if we need another reason to question Eric Holder's integrity, if this reaches up to him, he should unquestionably be fired - I know, three hands are needed to count how many times we've heard that one in the last 18 months.
While Adams, in an interview with Fox's Megyn Kelly chose his words carefully, he didn't mince any. He wouldn't go so far as to call the DOJ corrupt but he did say with no equivocation that the decision in this case was a corrupt one. Possibly his most explosive charge centered around assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez; Adams basically levied the charge that Perez lied under oath. To watch Adams levy these charges, click on the link to the video embedded in the Fox News story below.
Fox News Reports:
The testimony from J. Christian Adams, who resigned from the Justice Department last month in protest of the administration's handling of the case, comes after he made a series of explosive allegations during an interview with Fox News last week. He said the administration abandoned an open-and-shut case of voter intimidation and that Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez gave false testimony before the commission in May.If you'd like to watch the entire interview between Kelly and Adams, CLICK HERE. An important name in this case is Christopher Coates, another attorney with the Department of Justice. He has been subpoenaed by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights but his bosses won't let him do it. At a going away luncheon for him prior to his transfer to South Carolina - within the DOJ - he made some strong claims about the handling of the case, claims he would no doubt be able to expound on if he ultimately takes the same course of action that Adams did - resignation. Such a move would free him up to testify openly to the civil rights commission.
Adams claims the administration has failed to prosecute non-whites when it comes to voting intimidation cases and that the New Black Panther incident demonstrates that.
"I don't think the department or the fine people who work there are corrupt, but in this particular instance, to abandon law-abiding citizens and abet wrongdoers constitutes corruption," Adams told Fox News.
It's also noteworthy that the individual who replaced Coates is the same person Adams accused of lying under oath - Asst. Attorney General, Thomas Perez.
Another name important to this case is a Democrat / poll watcher named Bartle Bull. He is outraged by the behavior of the Department of Justice in this case.
The video from November 4th, 2008; it should be living in infamy.
h/t to Hot Air Pundit
Black Panthers,
Eric Holder,
Justice Department,
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