We learned yesterday that Obama's Green Jobs Czar Van Jones signed on to the 9/11 Truther movement back in 2004. Now we learn he signed on to a petition by the Maoist / Communist group, Revolutionary Communist Party, that denounced police.
Why isn’t the escalation of police brutality and murder in recent years headline news? Perhaps because these images don’t comply well with the need to project images of police as “defenders against terrorism.” Since September 11, 2001, law enforcement agents (including border patrols) have been given greater license to increase and broaden repression. Steps were even taken to grant more worth to a police officer’s life, with the “heroes law” enacted in New York State, for which the governor originally called for a death sentence for anyone who shoots a cop. At the same time, the cop who killed African immigrant Ousmane Zongo in New York, after a rare conviction (criminally negligent homicide) was sentenced with probation and community service. Torture, brutality, detentions, domestic spying, profiling, and other attacks on human and civil liberties have been made part of the routine of daily life that we are asked to accept without question. At airports, subways, transportation centers, and more we are asked to “welcome” bag searches, check points, invasion of privacy, stripping away of civil liberties, all in the name of “national security.”
To read the entire petition, to include Van Jones' name and organization (Ella Baker Center),
CLICK HERE. Also note that immediately under Jones' name is the group, Justice4Palestinians.
Here is the
REVOLUTIONIST COMMUNIST PARTY USA website. CPUSA? I'll bet that group shares the views of Barack Obama's childhood mentor,
FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS, who was a member of the vanilla Communist Party USA that didn't have "Revolutionist" in its name. Or how about Obama sharing a business address with Bill Ayers and Mike Klonsky for three years in the 1990's? Who is Mike Klonsky? No one, really. Just a
CHINESE MAOIST. Let's do a rundown:
Frank Marshall Davis. 600 Page FBI file amassed after being investigated for 19 years (1944-1963) and making the security index, meaning he could be arrested at the drop of a hat during an emergency. Davis moved to Hawaii in 1948 to escape FBI heat. A member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), he was introduced to a young Barack Obama in 1971 and mentored him for 9 years when Obama left for California to attend Occidental Community College.
Bill Ayers and Barack Obama were residential neighbors, served on a Board together, spoke at events together, met in Ayers' living room, ate dinner together, and shared a business address for at least three years in the 1990's at 115 South Sangamon Street (3rd floor) with Mike Klonsky, who was a Chinese Maoist according to the Verum Serum link above.
Ayers raised the son of one of his fellow terrorists after that terrorist was sent to prison. The child, Chesa Boudin, grew up to work under
VENEZUELA'S HUGO CHAVEZ. That might just provide a little insight as to why the official Obama policy regarding Honduras is to defend the ousted Hugo Chavez stooge, Manuel Zelaya.
Mike Klonsky broke away from the Communist Party USA in the 1970's and became a leader of the New Communist Movement, which was very closely aligned with Maoist ideals. According to the
WIKIPEDIA entry on Klonsky, he also belonged to a group that birthed Ayers' Weather Underground, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):
In the late 1960s Michael Klonsky became the national secretary of the Students for a Democratic Society
Klonsky also works with a group that is very near and dear to the heart of Bill Ayers - the
SMALL SCHOOLS WORKSHOP. That may go a long way to explaining why Klonsky and Ayers shared a business address at 115 South Sangamon St. in Chicago but what does it say about Obama sharing that address with them?
These are just four of the many people with very disturbing ties to Barack Obama and each other. I didn't even mention Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Rasheed Khalidi, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Eric Holder, Jeff Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Rod Blagojevich, and the list goes on and on and on.
As if all of these connections with Chinese Maoists isn't enough, now we learn that the Chinese National flag will be hoisted on the
SOUTH LAWN of the White House on September 20th.

h/t to