Gotta admit, while it'd be nice to see Tarek Fatah at least give some credit to appropriate sources, the fact that this story is getting this kind of attention is the most important thing.
Via MRC (h/t
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Huma Abedin's fellow Board Member at MSA defended TLC's All American Muslim
Recently, we wrote about Huma Abedin's time on the Board of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at George Washington University. A woman she served alongside with on that Board is Souheila Al-Jadda, who is currently a member of the Board of Contributors for USA Today. Al-Jadda has also served as a legislative assistant for Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).
Nearly one year ago, a program on The Learning Channel (TLC) was the source of controversy when Lowe's decided to pull its advertising from TLC's All American Muslim (AAM), a show that followed the lives of five Muslim families in Dearborn, MI. Concerns raised initially by the Florida Family Association (FFA) were validated when we examined the background of the Imam featured in the show. His name is Husham Al-Husainy. In the show, he was highly respected and presided over the wedding of a Muslim girl and her fiance, who converted so they could marry.
Here is what we wrote at the time, thanks to Walid's translation of the Jerusalem Document, via Human Events:
With this as a backdrop, let's look at the words of Souheila Al-Jadda. During the AAM controversy, she wrote an article for the USA Today, which said, in part, the following:
Uh, that poses a bit of a problem, however.
Al-Jadda served on the Board of the Muslim Students Association at George Washington University with... Huma Abedin. She would have to denounce a Muslim Brotherhood organization with which she is inextricably tied.
Moreover, thanks to the Florida Family Association, it was learned that an All American Muslim styled program was broadcast to six million high school students in America in which two MSA Presidents were profiled.
Incidentally, in a New York Times article that mentions GWU by name, the following is said about the MSA:
After twelve years at the IMMA as an Assistant Editor, Huma went to work for Hillary Clinton as her closest advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff (after having already served the First Lady as an aide since 1996, one year before she was listed as being on the MSA Board).
Here again is the screen shot of that 1997 MSA Board at GWU:

Ben Barrack is a talk show host and author of the book, Unsung Davids
Nearly one year ago, a program on The Learning Channel (TLC) was the source of controversy when Lowe's decided to pull its advertising from TLC's All American Muslim (AAM), a show that followed the lives of five Muslim families in Dearborn, MI. Concerns raised initially by the Florida Family Association (FFA) were validated when we examined the background of the Imam featured in the show. His name is Husham Al-Husainy. In the show, he was highly respected and presided over the wedding of a Muslim girl and her fiance, who converted so they could marry.
Here is what we wrote at the time, thanks to Walid's translation of the Jerusalem Document, via Human Events:
Al-Husainy is a signatory to the Jerusalem Document of 2009, which reads more like Mein Kampf. It refers to the war on Zionism as a war between “good and evil.” Zionism is considered an “aggression” that is infecting “the entire human race.” Muslims are told to “get ready for the Holy Jihad.”Here is a radio interview from 2007 between Sean Hannity and Husham Al-Husainy who would not denounce Hezbollah and ultimately cut the interview short when he hung up on Hannity:
If one is inclined to believe this is the “struggle within” version of jihad, the reading of the following phrase after translation should prompt a reevaluation:
“We remind our sons to get ready to carry out their duty in Holy Jihad and continue the path which our young valiant men in Hezbollah began in Southern Lebanon.”
With this as a backdrop, let's look at the words of Souheila Al-Jadda. During the AAM controversy, she wrote an article for the USA Today, which said, in part, the following:
To me, and many other Muslim Americans, this is the strength of the TV show — demystifying a community that has long been misunderstood. With an opening night audience of 1.7 million, according to Broadcasting & Cable, All-American Muslim will hopefully change the national discourse about Muslims from that of suspicion and exclusion to one of greater trust and inclusion.
Propaganda chargesA little bit later, Al-Jadda invoked the Ground Zero mosque controversy as another case in point (yes, it seems that Al-Jadda supported construction of the mosque, despite Feisal Abdul Rauf's ties to extremists):
But a number of critics and activists are unfairly attacking the program, claiming the show is Muslim propaganda that hides the extremist agenda. Some are even pressuring companies, in addition to Lowe's, to pull their advertising to force the show off the air. These attacks are not only short on substance but also wrong on principle and bad for America. They undermine ever-evolving American values of pluralism and tolerance.
It's no secret that anti-Muslim rhetoric continues to plague public discussions about this community. From New York Rep. Pete King's Muslim radicalization hearings in Congress this year to the anti-sharia movement to the debate surrounding an Islamic center near Ground Zero in New York, Muslims hear this drumbeat of suspicion even a decade after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.Additional irony is provided by Al-Jadda when she terms the problems people had with AAM as being "bigotry and stereotyping". Al-Husainy wouldn't denounce the virulently racist / anti-Semitic Hezbollah. Giving the USA Today contributor the benefit of the doubt would require an assumption that she doesn't know the views of Al-Husainy and would denounce them if she did. It's been nearly a year since the All American Muslim controversy and about five years since Al-Husainy hung-up on Hannity. Isn't it about time for Al-Jadda to denounce him (and Hezbollah / Hamas / MSA)?
Uh, that poses a bit of a problem, however.
Al-Jadda served on the Board of the Muslim Students Association at George Washington University with... Huma Abedin. She would have to denounce a Muslim Brotherhood organization with which she is inextricably tied.
Moreover, thanks to the Florida Family Association, it was learned that an All American Muslim styled program was broadcast to six million high school students in America in which two MSA Presidents were profiled.
Incidentally, in a New York Times article that mentions GWU by name, the following is said about the MSA:
Donations from Saudi Arabia largely financed the group, and its leaders pushed the kingdom’s puritan, Wahhabi strain of Islam. Prof. Hamid Algar of the University of California, Berkeley, said that in the 1960s and 1970s, chapters advocated theological and political positions derived from radical Islamist organizations and would brook no criticism of Saudi Arabia.That would be the same Saudi Arabia that commissioned Abdullah Omar Naseef to found the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) and put Huma Abedin's parents in charge of it.
After twelve years at the IMMA as an Assistant Editor, Huma went to work for Hillary Clinton as her closest advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff (after having already served the First Lady as an aide since 1996, one year before she was listed as being on the MSA Board).
Here again is the screen shot of that 1997 MSA Board at GWU:
Ben Barrack is a talk show host and author of the book, Unsung Davids
American Thinker: Romney should respond to Obama calling him 'radical' by demanding release of Khalidi tape
Consider this another example of a projectionist softball lobbed by Obama directly at Mitt Romney. The latter's handlers are likely to instruct him to take the pitch despite it being one that power hitters dream about. American Thinker's Edward Olshaker highlights the fact that while Obama claims Romney has aligned himself with the 'radical fringe' of his party, Obama's radical affiliations, so far, are ignored by the presumptive Republican nominee.
Via AT:
The projection coming out of the Obama campaign that is being directed at Romney is palpable. The latter is being poked in the chest with it and, to this point, doesn't seem to be willing to push back. The same people Romney energized by picking Paul Ryan as his running mate are the same ones who would welcome this kind of fight and be energized further. Selecting Ryan as the second half of the ticket is shaping up to be a good move but Romney will have to fight back against these kinds of charges for at least two reasons.
1.) They're so easy to rebut
2.) Because they're so easy to rebut, he looks weak for not doing so
Read it all.
Via AT:
President Obama recently accused Mitt Romney of allying himself with "the radical fringe of his party," in an e-mail highlighting his occasional fundraising events with Donald Trump, and now the president's campaign is warning that Paul Ryan is a dangerous extremist.Of course, this kind of Obama projection is not unprecedented. Within the last couple of months, his campaign said Romney is too secretive (Axelrod compared him to Nixon); it accused him of being a 'felon'; and more recently, an Obama Super PAC ad implied he was a murderer. In the case of Fast and Furious, all of those things seem to apply to the Obama administration but Romney's handlers appear too scared to go there.
The audacity of this line of attack naturally brings up the issue of Those Whose Names Must Not Be Mentioned -- Obama's own collection of terror supporters and actual terrorists he chose as mentors (and whose influence is disturbingly evident in his foreign policy). If Romney was waiting for some kind of formal invitation before attacking the president's most glaring weakness, that invitation has arrived.
Obama's fundraising off Romney's "radical" associations is an example of either chutzpah he will get away with or hubris that will come back to haunt him by inviting scrutiny of Obama's closeness with terrorists who appear with him in the suppressed Los Angeles Times video of a 2003 anti-Israel gathering -- former PLO operative Rashid Khalidi (who dedicated a book to Palestinian murderer Yasser Arafat), Bill Ayers (who dedicated a book to Palestinian murderer Sirhan Sirhan), and Bernardine Dohrn.
The guest list also included Ali Abunimah, a close Obama ally who founded the Electronic Intifada website in 2001 (surely Obama realized that the word "intifada" is synonymous with suicide bombings) and the Sanabel debka troupe. Columnist Debbie Schlussel reported that she witnessed a performance of this Palestinian children's dance group that included "simulating beheadings and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags." (Did they let the children use real swords when they acted out the beheadings? Maybe we'll find out when this comes up in the debates.)
The projection coming out of the Obama campaign that is being directed at Romney is palpable. The latter is being poked in the chest with it and, to this point, doesn't seem to be willing to push back. The same people Romney energized by picking Paul Ryan as his running mate are the same ones who would welcome this kind of fight and be energized further. Selecting Ryan as the second half of the ticket is shaping up to be a good move but Romney will have to fight back against these kinds of charges for at least two reasons.
1.) They're so easy to rebut
2.) Because they're so easy to rebut, he looks weak for not doing so
Read it all.
Barack Obama,
Bernadine Dohrn,
Bill Ayers,
Mitt Romney,
Rashid Khalidi
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