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Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Proposed by a gentleman named Lamar Mickens, president of the not-for-profit Quality Day Campus, the $48 billion earmark would funnel money into the inner cities to give money to the poor and thereby produce a much larger consumer class to buy the goods and services produced in this country.Imagine going out to your mailbox one day and finding a $48 Billion check made out to you from the American taxpayers with a note on the 'memo' line that says: For Inner City Development.
Just call this redistribution on steroids.
Cleaver's office says this of the proposal:
"The Epicenter is a proposed estimated $48 billion (Phase One) mass scale urban reclamation project for combating, reducing, reversing and/or eliminating poverty within under served communities by utilizing mass scale economic redevelopment to bring about stability and self reliance.
Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill is making an uproar in the United States, especially amongst contemporary evangelicals, who have rushed to denounce it. It seems that the reason why these mainstream Christians are making denunciations so hasty is to simply protect their own images. The Turkish government throws people in prison for talking about the Armenian genocide; the Buddhist country Bhutan throws Christians in jail for blaspheming against Buddhism. Just in October 7th of this year, the Bhutan government sentenced one pastor Ugyen Tashi to three years in prison for preaching the gospel (Click here for full story). Pakistan has its Blasphemy Law being implemented right now–having Christians sentenced to death for preaching Christianity (Click here for full story). In fact, Pakistan wants to push its Blasphemy Law to a global level. According to the Catholic News Agency, Pakistan has presented a draft to the UN that would condemn the “defamation of religion” and create a global “anti-blasphemy law,” (Click here for full story). Islamic and Buddhist nations are persecuting Christians as we speak, but mainstream evangelicals are not denouncing these tyrannical regimes, they would rather jump on the band wagon of bashing Uganda for its anti-homosexuality bill which they have not even passed yet.Of course, just one year ago, TIME reported that Warren caved to pressure after he initially didn't condemn Uganda for their anti-Homosexuality bill:
"As an American pastor," Warren said in his statement, "it is not my role to interfere with the politics of other nations, but it is my role to speak out on moral issues." He told the Ugandan pastors that the bill was "unjust, extreme and un-Christian toward homosexuals." The bill's requirement that Ugandans report any meeting with homosexuals to authorities, he said, would hinder the ministry of the church and force homosexuals who are HIV positive underground. He also defended the timing of his denunciation. "Because I didn't rush to make a public statement," he said, "some erroneously concluded that I supported this terrible bill, and some even claimed I was a sponsor of the bill. You in Uganda know that this is untrue." He added, "I oppose the criminalization of homosexuality."To Shoebat's point, Warren has not directed any such strongly worded statements to Islamic or Buddhist nations who imprison or kill Christians simply for being Christians.