All that aside, this is a quintessential example of how badly the left hates losing, no matter what sport they're playing. They are utterly incapable of looking within and taking stock of themselves or their agenda. Hey Ed, maybe it was the fact that Chicago is the 2nd most corrupt city in America.
One thing I didn't hear Ed bring up was a report by a Danish newspaper, BERLINGSKE, which puts the blame squarely where it belongs - on Obama himself.
The explanations are many. The former Danish IOC member Kai Holm says to Berlingske that he believes that it is due to disrespect. Professor of sport history at the University of Copenhagen Hans Bonde suggests presidential arrival at the last minute and neglected personal lubricant of IOCs members.There you have it. Straight from the mouth of a former IOC member. I don't know what on earth makes him think he's qualified to say such things. Doesn't he know that it's the Republicans' fault?
At Chicago kicked out so early shows to me that Barack Obama does not understand the psychology of the IOC, said Hans Bonde.
Expressing this view even further is none other than Congressman from Chicago, Jan Schakowsky (at the end of the clip), who actually points to Rush Limbaugh as the reason for Obama's failure.
Utterly shameless. CLICK HERE for the video.
h/t to GP for the Danish newspaper link.