How are Michael Dukakis, John Kerry, and Barack Obama different? Dukakis embarrassed himself while in a tank; Kerry shamed himself while he was in a space suit; and Barack Obama did so by driving one of the cars his company (GM) built, an astonishing ten feet. The three men were all similarly foolish. Dukakis's head gear did him in; Kerry's body wear made him look like a teletubby; and a better metaphor for the consequences of Obama's policies I could not imagine.
Watching Obama drive the soon-to-be infamous Volt ten feet reminded me of the ending scene of Gung Ho. Michael Keaton drove about as far as Obama did. In defense of Obammer, Keaton's wheels actually fell off. Other than that, little difference.
Good segue, huh?
C'mon, you know you see a similarity....
h/t to Hot Air
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Friday, July 30, 2010
This one is disturbing on multiple levels, not the least of which are attempts by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to expect cooperation from groups like the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and others with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood would be allies in anti-terrorism efforts. Emails obtained by Judicial Watch and posted at World Net Daily reveal that Muslim representatives from these groups scoffed at DHS requests to aid in anti-terrorism efforts involving Islamic extremists.
Via World Net Daily:
Perhaps the email containing the most explosive quotes is one that shows none other than Senator Joe Lieberman (D), Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, was made aware of MPAC's refusal to cooperate with a DHS directive.
Read it all.
Via World Net Daily:
The e-mails relate to several days of meetings the DHS held Jan. 27-28 between DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and various Arab, Muslim, Sikh and South Asian "community leaders."One of the reported participants of the meeting mentioned above represented a group that pledged support for the Holy Land Foundation, a group convicted on over 100 counts relative to funding Islamic terrorism.
The e-mails reveal the attendees included Imad Hamad, the Midwest regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, who Judicial Watch said has been linked in press reports to the Marxist-Leninist terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Judicial Watch reported he also "has financially supported the Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah" and in a 2002 interview on Detroit television "supported a Palestine Authority TV program that urged children to become suicide bombers, calling the program 'patriotic.'"
Another participant, according to Judicial Watch, was Salam al-Mayarati, who founded the Los Angeles-based Muslim Public Affairs Council. Judicial Watch said al-Mayarati "has long been criticized for his extremist views and statements. In 1999 former House Minority leader Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., withdrew his nomination of al-Mayarati to the National Commission on Terrorism because of al-Mayarati's extremist politics."Click HERE for more on MPAC.

"Gordon Lederman of Sen. Lieberman's Staff called me asking about the 2-day HSAC meeting last week with American Muslim and Arab groups. He was called by a reporter who told him MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) and Muslim American Society 'rejected the ideas' of soliciting their help with countering violent extremism and were 'angry and indignant.'"This is beyond shocking. ISNA was an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial and has absolutely no business being anywhere close to working with DHS. The fact that the head of this country's Senate Homeland Security Committee is unwilling to call out these nefarious groups speaks volumes.
Read it all.
Janet Napolitano,
Joe Lieberman
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