Gotta love Malkin's descriptive terms...
The embattled Democrat is in deep doo-doo over his Countrywide sweetheart home loan deals, corporate bailout cash, and crony associations. New revelations by Countrywide whistle-blower Robert Feinberg confirm what more and more of Sen. Dodd’s constituents in Connecticut are coming to realize: He’s a lying crapweasel. Dodd denied knowledge of the special treatment the sub-prime mortgage company had given him and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad on home loans. (Dodd’s were worth more than $800,000). Feinberg flatly contradicted him in secret testimony on the Hill this week.So surely Mr. Obama would distance himself from this kind of an individual (based on one of his strongest campaign promises), right?
Well, Malkin sets the stage by whipping out this Obama quote after announcing his campaign for president in February, 2007 and follows it up with a rather astute observation:
“I know that I have not spent a long time learning the ways of Washington, but I have been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington have to change.”What? Barack Obama throwing his support behind someone involved in pay-for-play? There was NO WAY anyone could've seen that coming!
Two years later, Barack Obama declared his support for an entrenched U.S. Senator drowning in the decrepit old politics of pay-for-play.
I realize Obama's poll numbers have dropped substantially since taking office and the month of July was particularly bad for him but Rasmussen is still showing that approximately 30% Strongly APPROVE of his performance. Wouldn't you just love to get inside the head of someone who sees things that way?
But only for a minute. Any longer and you might suffer irreparable harm.
Read MALKIN'S ENTIRE COLUMN. It's worth it.