The alleged fainting spell and subsequent concussion of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears a bit suspicious when factoring in all of her stonewalling and obfuscation to this point. It all started on September 16th, when U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice - instead of Hillary - appeared on five Sunday talk shows to give demonstrably false information about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. Rice said in an interview with NBC's Brian Williams that the reason Hillary 'declined to do it' was because the Secretary of State was too tired after a 'grueling week'.
On November 30th, when Hillary was asked why Rice appeared on those shows instead of her, the Secretary of State responded that she wouldn't answer a "hypothetical" about what could have happened.
No, she really said that (at the :37 mark):
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Democrats who want Obama to exploit Connecticut shootings were silent over plans to exploit Fast and Furious
Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. - Saul Alinsky (Jerrold Nadler agrees)The shooting deaths of 20 young school children in Connecticut happened on the second anniversary of the shooting death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Before the sun set on the day of the school shootings, shamelessly opportunistic Democratic politicians went to work exploiting and politicizing the heinous event to push their gun control agendas. Yet, for the last two years, they've had no interest in getting to the bottom of Terry's murder. Why? Well, because very powerful people inside the Obama administration were behind an operation intended to give guns to bad guys and then exploit the predictable deaths for the same reason - gun control.
Earlier this year, at the NRA Convention, House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa said the following:
“We’ve never answered the question, ‘What were they thinking of?’ Could it be that what they really were thinking of was in fact to use this walking of guns in order to promote an assault weapons ban. Many think so, and they haven’t come up with an explanation that would cause any of us not to agree.”To that point, Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were all too happy to push a false narrative that said 90% of the guns used in the commission of crimes in Mexico, come from America.
Here is Hillary during an interview with CBS reporter Lara Logan in March of 2009. Begin watching at the :30 mark:
Here is Obama in April of 2009, touting the same bogus statistics. Take note at the 1:00 mark:
Eventually, that "90%" figure was proven to be false. If it was false, why was it being touted?
Exploitation, perhaps?
Within hours of the horrendous Newtown, CT school shootings, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said that Barack Obama must take 'Immediate Action' against guns. New York's governor Andrew Cuomo said society must "unify" and "crack down on guns". In a brief moment of honesty, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said that Barack Obama needs to "exploit" the shootings to push gun control.
It is amazing that Bloomberg and Cuomo would speak out in support of gun control so soon after these shootings because of their collective silence on Operation Fast and Furious. In that case, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) intentionally let guns 'walk' into Mexico and the Department of Justice (DOJ) at the highest levels was in on it.
As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Nadler had plenty of opportunities to call out Attorney General Eric Holder on the Department of Justice's role in Fast and Furious. It was a program that was implemented by the ATF for one primary reason - to put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, who would then kill innocent people with those guns. The plan was to "exploit" those deaths to create the climate for more gun control.
In the case of Fast and Furious, guns were intentionally given to bad guys for the purpose of killing innocent people. In the case of the Connecticut shootings, a bad guy was solely responsible for using a gun to kill innocent children.
Yet, Obama, Bloomberg, Cuomo, and Nadler want to 'exploit' the shooting deaths of those children for the purpose of pushing gun control?!
That's called audacity.
Fast and Furious,
Gun Control,
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