Leading the charge against Micheletti was the Barack Obama administration. Micheletti became president when sitting president, aspiring dictator, and Hugo Chavez stooge Manuel Zelaya was constitutionally removed from office. Obama called it a "coup". He then aided in getting nations and dictators to align against Micheletti, a scenario that seems to be repeating itself in Arizona.
Micheletti stood strong and politically defeated the world. However, in typical Obama fashion, the blame was placed on Zelaya's erratic behavior and not Micheletti's courage. Lost on the Obama administration in the use of that excuse is the irony of Honduras constitutionally removing a would-be dictator who behaved erratically.
Via Special Guests:
ALINSKY FAILING IN ARIZONA? Governor of Border State Refusing to be Intimidated by President; It Just Might be WorkingI'm not sure where Micheletti stands with respect to SB 1070 in Arizona but my guess is he and Governor Brewer would have much in common. It might be worth her reaching out to him. It would be an extremely strong statement to Obama.
Barack Obama is likely regretting his decision to pull his current DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano out of her position as Governor of Arizona. Her replacement there – Jan Brewer – is standing up to the Obama administration as well as to Eric Holder's Department of Justice over a recently signed law that will be tough on illegal immigration. Obama appears to be having a difficult time finding the solution in his Rules for Radicals handbook, authored by his ideological mentor, Saul Alinsky. Perhaps because it isn't in there.
The state of Arizona is increasingly finding itself being alientated on the world stage, many believe with the approval and encouragement of the president of the United States. Whether it's the Assistant Secretary of State apologizing for Arizona to the Chinese or the Mexican president chastising that state in front of a joint session of congress, significant pressure is being brought against Brewer and her state over the recent signing and passage of an immigration law there. Cuba's Castro and Venezuela's Chavez have also expressed vocal opposition to Arizona.
Al Garza, President of the Patriots Coalition and resident of Arizona, has seen this before – in Honduras. Last year interim president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti stood strong against not only Obama but the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the European Union, and the aforementioned Castro and Chavez.
Micheletti was victorious in defeating virtually the entire world by refusing to compromise his principles; Garza is calling for Governor Brewer to follow the same formula in order to defeat the same tactics.
Be Sure to Visit Special Guests to read the entire column.
Al Garza's Patriot's Coalition