Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Proof Huma Abedin Should not be Employed by State Department

This particular story involving the connections of Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, to the Muslim Brotherhood is extremely layered. Below is the second in a series of articles from Walid Shoebat and myself over Abedin's associations with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is beyond important and there are more stories to come. There is simply so much information, it's not possible to cull down into one article. Specifically, future articles will chronicle the backgrounds of the 63 leaders of the Muslim Sisterhood, their spouses, and male members.

Via Human Events:
U.S. Ignores Hillary Clinton's Powerful Aide Huma Abedin at Its Own Risk
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

A CIA/FBI agent was responsible for creating the first Al-Qaeda training manual from classified military sources; he covertly moved up through the ranks undetected until the Al-Qaeda spy, Egyptian born Ali Mohamed, was finally discovered. Though arrested in 1998, Mohamed's whereabouts and legal status remain unknown. Fort Hood Jihadist, Nidal Malik Hasan benefited from the same faulty screening.

Jordanian born “reformed” Jihadist Humam Al-Balawi deceived some anxious CIA agents concerning the whereabouts of Ayman Al-Zawahiri. As he passed their guard he detonated a suicide belt, killing the agents. We were the first to translate the sinister plan of this Taliban spy which was missed by the CIA but was advertised on his Arabic website for the whole Arabic world to read:

“When I drive my car at a traffic police station …my surroundings change by a push of a flash button. I will find myself martyred as I drive a booby trapped Laurie with a bomb heading towards the pagan guards…”

Why isn't the CIA monitoring the Arabic words and connections of these people?

Whether it's the CIA or the military, sophisticated surveillance is proving inadequate and proper background checks of Middle easterners aren't being done. Each example serves as another case in point. What makes us think that the State Department updated its virus protection program? Even more disconcerting than Ali and Al-Balawi is Hillary’s ‘aide’ and Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, who has been with Hillary since 1996; she was never properly screened and this will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

To be concerned about Huma’s access to sensitive information is an issue that will most likely garner unsolicited curses from ‘sensitive’ Americans who are enamored with her. These same people ignore this diva’s familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Lt. Col. Robert Anderson's detailed reports aimed at getting Army intelligence to investigate Ali Mohamed — and have him court-martialed — were also ignored.

Huma is even more potentially dangerous; she can leak State secrets. She is closely associated with her Muslim Brotherhood family and even joined Hillary at an event with Saleha Abedin – Huma's mother – at Dar El-Hekma University in Saudi Arabia. Also present was a close associate of Saleha – Suheir Qureshi. Qureshi's name later appeared in several prominent Arab newspapers when it was revealed that she belonged to a list of 63 members of the secret arm of the Muslim Brotherhood named The Sisterhood.

The full list was later revealed; Huma’s mother is on it. Huma's brother – Hassan Abedin – also collaborates with Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yousuf Qaradawi, two of the most influential terror supporters in the world.

Yet, as detractors argue ‘guilt by association’ they unwittingly strengthen our case, since this is what the FBI uses when investigating federal employees: “Character,” “Associates,” “Reputation,” and “Loyalty to the United States” (CARL). This checklist was never applied to Huma, who still associated with her family. Dismissing all this as “guilt by association” ignores a tough question:

Other than Huma Abedin, has there ever been a case whereby a family member who either belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood or was a prominent Islamist did not denounce a Muslim female relative who married a non-Muslim male?

It’s a question with only one answer; her family made an exception for her because Huma has a higher calling.

Westerners erroneously compare the ‘Middle East’ mindset with that of the ‘Midwest’ and fail to shift gears to understand the Muslim worldview. They do not comprehend the seriousness of a Muslim “daughter” or “sister” marrying a Jewish male, especially since the Islamic Shariah Faculty in Kuwait has deemed Huma’s marriage to a male Jew null and void.

While westerners portray the Sisterhood as a simple “mule service,” our own detailed research – which will be released shortly – reveals male supervisors as official members along with their wives/daughters; the list includes spies who proudly disclosed their heroic acts during Israel’s wars with Egypt. Others are Nazi-style propagandists; Nazi affiliates from the time of the Brotherhood’s inception; Hijab advocates in Europe; prominent doctors; popular conspiracy theorists and media icons that closely emulate the Goebbels propaganda machine of Nazi Germany.

The group's influence spans several international organizations from the United Nations to The United States to womens advocacy groups worldwide; its influence is immense. Overlooking this group – and by extension, Huma Abedin – is not dissimilar from ignoring Able Danger's revelations about Muhammad Atta prior to 9/11.

Any doubting Thomas must acknowledge the validity of the Sisterhood list because it follows the same agenda and direction shown on the Brotherhood's official website; it has been confirmed by Egyptian security services as well as top experts, including the Arab Center for Studies, headed by researcher Abdul Rahim Ali.

To give you a taste of this bitter herb, we will examine a single name before we publish all 63. Take Najla Ali Mahmoud, who is supervised by her husband Mohammed Aidalmrsi, member of the Guidance Bureau and the current leader of the Justice and Freedom Party (the Brotherhood’s new propaganda name). He recently appeared on National television and explained why “Egypt needs to ban western dress” and how “no one with a full mental faculty can believe in the Trinity.” He even condemned Egyptian monuments as “idols.” It differs from the Taliban only in that it has a western propaganda machine.

Will Egypt do to the Sphinx as the Taliban did to the Buddhist statues in Bamyan? Will Egypt perpetrate a holocaust on Coptic Christians who are already portrayed as having a mental deficiency for believing in the Trinity?

And while this ‘Gobbles’ runs his propaganda machine, the naysayers demand evidence of Huma’s membership in this notorious group. Would someone appoint the daughter of Magda and Joseph Goebbels as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Cordell Hull—the Secretary of State during World War II—arguing that she is not a member of the Nazi party?

It is also not “racist” to compare the Muslim Brotherhood with the Nazis; Hassan Al-Banna, the grandfather of Tariq Ramadan (Ramadan's ban from the U.S. was lifted by Hillary) collaborated with my grandfather’s associate and Hitler henchman Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who became the Muslim Brotherhood leader after the war. Neither has the Brotherhood repented; they still take pride in their collaboration with the Nazis.

And while the U.S. House of Representatives debated whether to cut off funds for Obama's military campaign in Libya, which aids the Brotherhood-backed rebels, Clinton challenged Congress over its position asking, “Whose side are you on?”

This is a question Hillary should ask herself.

Even the team that was set up by the State Department’s policy designed to “engage the Moderate Muslim world” was infiltrated without even screening its contributor, the Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer and – Egyptian by heritage – Ground Zero Mosque Imam, Sheikh Feisal Abdul Rauf who only moderates his tone in English.

Promoting a moderate Muslim Brotherhood is like promoting “Capitalistic-Communism” to defeat Russia during the Cold War or even a “pro-Jew Nazism” during WWII. A More current and real-life example is “Chrislam.”

Hillary’s “inclusion policy” brought in spies, and this is how she plans to soften the Muslim Brotherhood? Hillary’s use of oxymoronic formulas to combat terrorism is worse than the moronic path taken by the likes of Humam Al-Balawi, who killed his enemy while we bolster the confidence of ours.

Huma was never properly screened and unless this diva answers some tough questions, the issue we set forth regarding the failure to screen her, is an ironclad case.
Also available at Human Events.

Ruh Roh: Is DOJ's Explanation for Stonewall Backfiring?

This one might get filed in the 'we didn't see that coming' department. House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has subpoenaed documents from the ATF and he has been consistently stonewalled by the DOJ. The reason given by Eric Holder for not relinquishing the requested documents is that there are ongoing investigations taking place that involve straw purchasers. It's a lame argument because, as Issa told Holder last month, 'we're not looking at straw purchasers, we're looking at you.' There appears to be another twist to this angle that may catch Holder and company flat-footed.

The Daily Caller reports that the defense attorneys for those straw purchasers may be demanding the same documents in Discovery that DOJ won't release to Issa:
Texas criminal defense lawyers are investigating the Justice Department’s Fast and Furious investigation of cross-border gun smuggling, using routine “discovery” rules that allow defendants to look for flaws in prosecutors’ evidence, statements and purpose.

“As the lawyer for Jose Sauceda–Cuevas, I’ve got to look at every possibility,” including agency misconduct, that would help him in the courtroom, said David Dudley, a Harvard-trained criminal defense lawyer based in Los Angeles.

The U.S. Attorney for the Arizona district is charging Dudley’s client with 25 counts related to gun trafficking. The charges include 10 false statement made during gun purchases, five identity theft charges, five counts for felony possession of a gun, and “five counts of Illegal Alien in Possession of a Firearm,” according to a May 19 press statement.
Is the DOJ stonewall going to be broken from an unprotected flank?

Something's gonna give soon.

Read it all.

Video: Top State Dept Lawyer says U.S. Entered Libya Lawfully

Top State Department lawyer Harold Koh's position is that the Obama administration did not enter Libya illegally. This may not be shocking but Koh's position is rather interesting when one considers that there is evidence suggesting that he is a proponent of Sharia law. Again, we keep coming back to this Muslim Brotherhood angle as being the only logical explanation for why this State Department's policy in Libya is to back those who are backed by the Brotherhood.

Here, Senator James Risch (R-ID), reads a quote from Barack Obama from 2008 that would very much contradict the decision to go into Libya. Risch then asks Koh if Obama still believes it. You can guess what happens next. Koh minimizes the statement while asserting that the war in Libya is legal.

Via the Daily Caller:

In 2009, Islamic expert Daniel Pipes wrote about Koh's views about things such as Sharia law. He quotes from a New York Post article that is no longer available online but here is the relevant portion:
...what brings Koh to attention here is his apparent endorsement of Islamic law within the American court system. Clyne writes:

A New York lawyer, Steven Stein, says that, in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
The U.S. State Department appears to be fully on board with a policy in Libya that involves backing the Muslim Brotherhood. We are left to conclude practically nothing else. Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff - and closest adviser - Huma Abedin has familial ties with the Brotherhood; senior adviser Alec Ross told a crowd in London last week that the Arab Spring is 'leaderless' and the result of internet technology that is the 'Che Guevara' of the 21st century; now we have the State Department's top lawyer Harold Koh - who endorses the application of Sharia Law in the U.S. - saying that the operation in Libya is lawful.

We already know Hillary endorses the war because she rhetorically asked Congress last week, 'Whose side are you on?'

Anyone feel infiltrated yet?

More HERE.

Explosive: ATF Director Will be Spilling the Proverbial Beans

This could be the most explosive development yet, regarding the Project Gunrunner scandal. ATF Director Kenneth Melson is now officially scheduled to meet with the Senate Judiciary Committee and Rep. Darrell Issa over what he knew about Operation Fast and Furious. Since Melson is not going quietly under the administration's bus, this can really only mean one thing; authorization for the program did not originate at ATF. Anyone who's been following the story knows that but Melson's refusal to step down, coupled with his willingness to now talk to Issa all but confirms it.

Bob Owens at Pajamas Media outlines five possible scenarios as a result of this new bit of information. The first one is one of the most unlikely, that Melson takes the fall. The logic says he'd have done that by now if he was going to do it at all. The second is that Asst Atty General Lanny Breuer takes the fall. While Owens says this is the most likely because of Breuer's loyalty to the Democrat Party, this scandal may be too big for anyone to just 'take the fall.' Here is what Owens says about scenario #3:
3. Breuer isn’t the highest link in the chain: Melson implicates Attorney General Eric Holder.

Chairman Issa states that AG Holder “absolutely” knew about Gunwalker earlier than he testified that he did, and if Issa has the evidence to prove that the attorney general is part of a cover-up, then there is every reason to suspect Holder will be forced to resign, or will face impeachment.

This is a far more likely scenario than many think.
In Scenario #5, Owens says that the possibility of Melson's testimony leading directly to the White House is the 'least likely.' That means it would be less likely than Melson falling on the sword, which doesn't appear likely at all. The likelihood of this scandal reaching the White House might just be stronger than anyone's willing to admit at this point. It's that big. READ IT ALL.

Here, Fox News Channel's Martha McCallum talks with terminated ATF whistleblower Vice Cefalu and Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa in a surprisingly extensive segment.

If difficulty viewing the video, click HERE.

h/t to Sipsey Street
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