In my interview with Kinsolving, we spoke extensively about his experience investigating the Peoples Temple as well as his being #2 on Jim Jones' hit list. It can be argued that the media's refusal to report on Jim Jones for so many years contributed greatly to the tragic end in Georgetown, Guyana. Kinsolving told one reporter that he had "Blood on his hands".
I find it incredibly unfortunate that Kinsolving is often portrayed by the media and even Robert GIbbs, White House press Secretary, as someone to be marginalized and considered a bit kooky. When you read about Kinsolving being the only reporter to so doggedly pursue Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, you will find yourself wondering why this man isn't the standard by which journalism is measured. Then you realize the state of media today and the senselessness of it all only makes it more surreal. Kinsolving should have as many Pulitzer prizes as Michael Phelps has gold medals. Instead, he's almost mocked as someone not to be taken seriously.
Please check out the May 9th show - either LIVE or via ARCHIVE podcast - as I ask Kinsolving about the entire experience. It takes up the bulk of the interview. In particular, I found most interesting, his response to my question about the reaction he received from other journalists after the mass suicide at Jonestown - journalists who had refused to listen to him for so many years.
On another note, has anyone in the media bothered to profile the ideology of Jim Jones? The answer is no but the reason is even more disturbing. Jim Jones was a Marxist and a Socialist. This video via the Anti-Communist website is a must-see. The multiple recordings of Jones and others in this video are bone chilling. Be sure to watch because what happened at Jonestown was a consequence of following socialism, as are the riots taking place in Greece right now.