Hello again. Assume you noted all of the incoming by Democrats against Pres? Of particular note is that of Doug S. Doug has been acting as Hillary’s gadfly for some time now. Very connected. Very insightful. Very good. One to be feared. I like Doug. His and Pat’s open declaration against President is clear signal Hillary camp fully engaged. Developing. And gotta love Pat. He’s back in it now! I strongly suspect they know of Obama’s coming scandal(s). Foundation being set in place for all out offensive going into 2012. The DC diaper is full up and in need of a change…If you haven't read the piece by Schoen and Caddell yet, click HERE.
As for particulars on Obama, much info received this past week. All pointing to Obama as very upset/angry at treatment by world leaders and media RE trip. Behind scenes mood “dejected and confused”. Later noted as “emotionally debilitated”. Reported outburst between President and First Lady. What makes this account unique is that “…President stood his ground.” WH staff involved in serious protective plan for President regarding incoming scandal. Very fearful of Issa. Told WH reps have already visited Issa office several times since election. Promises made? Issa is bright and loves attention. Could prove formidable vs White House. Staff sent to Chicago this past week and DA is heading there on more permanent basis in coming weeks. Why? Why indeed. PAY ATTENTION.
Lastly RE question on “missile” off CA. I have no -expletive- clue what that was. Go ahead and file that question with your birther question from last time. Any more of these and you’ll be waiting another month or two or ten before we have next sit down.
Note that WHI is continuing to point to Chicago as a flashpoint for the alleged scandal that is expected to reach the administration's highest levels. Ulsterman gives further indication about what it might be by publishing another article on the same day he published the aforementioned email from WHI. One has to conclude that WHI would almost necessarily be the source of this article if these communications between an anonymous blogger and an unnamed source are legitimate.
The scandal has to do with the Giannoulias family bank that was shut down last April. Via Ulsterman:
On April 23rd of 2010, Federal regulators shut down the Giannoulias family run Broadway Bank in Chicago. At that time, Alexi Giannoulias, former Broadway Bank Vice President and chief loan officer, was embroiled in a tough Senate campaign against Republican rival Mark Kirk. Normally the FDIC would issue a findings report on a failed lending institution within six months of its closing. On October 22nd, Feds declared no report would be forthcoming until after the November 2nd elections. Now some three weeks later, still no report has been issued.Incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee on Government Reform, Darrell Issa is said to be looking at this development very closely.
The Obama White House has close ties to the Giannoulias family, dating back to whenBarack Obama was just beginning his political career as an Illinois State Senator. According to a New York Times report in 2007, Obama and Alexi Giannoulias met in the late 1990s at the upscale East Bank Club in Chicago. The Giannoulias family was a well known political fundraising power for Illinois Democrats, and Alexi was at the forefront of the family’s political ambitions when he and Barack Obama became friends. As Obama worked his way up the Illinois political ladder, Giannoulias expanded his role and responsibilities within Broadway Bank. The two men were so aligned politically and professionally that Obama kept much of his senatorial campaign funds with Broadway Bank.
Read it all.