Author of "Courting Disaster: How the CIA kept America Safe and how Barack Obama is inviting the next attack", Marc Thiessen appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe and was the object of unhinged derision coming directly from the cake hole of liberal whack job Laurence O'Donnell.
I don't know what was more entertaining, watching O'Donnell's rant or watching the smack down he got from Scarborough at the end in the form of cutting him off, having his mic turned off, and going to break right after saying O'Donnell wouldn't be returning when they came back.
h/t to Weekly Standard
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Friday, February 12, 2010
The creator of the fraudulent "Hockey Stick" chart, Michael Mann may have been safe from any real consequences when his employer, Penn State University, announced they would be conducting an investigation. However, he may not be safe from the students.
A group called Campus Reform is holding a rally on campus and demanding that Penn State University's investigation, which ultimately cleared Mann, should not be accepted due to conflict of interest concerns.
h/t to Hot Air
A group called Campus Reform is holding a rally on campus and demanding that Penn State University's investigation, which ultimately cleared Mann, should not be accepted due to conflict of interest concerns.
Students, residents and community leaders will join together on Friday, February 12, to demand a fair and independent investigation of Michael Mann and Climategate. The University has a conflict of interest, and should not conduct an internal investigation without external oversight. The Rally for Academic Integrity will take place in front of the Hetzel Union Building (HUB) on Penn State’s University Park Campus (Pollock Road entrance) at 12:00. This Rally for Academic Integrity is jointly sponsored by PSU Young Americans for Freedom and The 9-12 Project of Central PA.Good points all. On the matter of this investigation being nothing more than a dog and pony show, my antennae went up when Mann wrote a column in defense of himself. If he was truly feeling the heat (no pun intended) of an investigation, my belief was he would be less inclined to potentially incriminate himself.
h/t to Hot Air
None other than Sheriff Joe Arpaio is making robo-calls, inviting people to come out and meet John McCain's biggest headache, J.D. Hayworth, whose campaign doesn't even officially launch until February 15th. Arpaio has been taking on the Feds over immigration for quite some time. It's an underdog story not all that dissimilar from what happened in Honduras, with Roberto Micheletti having to take on the world.
It's also been known for quite some time that Arpaio and McCain don't get along too well, which is not to say the rhetoric doesn't deviate from the cordial realm. That said, actions speak louder than words and Arpaio seems poised to very aggressively back Hayworth. I can only imagine his incentive. When Sheriff Joe was looking for some support from McCain over his enforcement of immigration laws, McCain not only refused to oblige but has historically taken an opposing view, calling for immigration reform and getting in bed with groups like La Raza.
If McCain is good at anything, it's reading the tea leaves and moving to the right, center, or left based on the political climate. He's been silent on the Supreme Court's recent slap down of McCain / Feingold, barely a peep out of him over climate change, and my guess is he's going to talk tough on immigration again, like he did during the 2008 Republican primary (until he won it).
In any even, here's the post on Tuscon Weekly about Arpaio's robo-calls.
As for that dead horse I continue to beat, Sarah Palin agreeing to stump for John McCain in this primary is a big mistake. It very well could play out as Palin v. Arpaio, which is a fight she CANNOT win with the Tea Party movement and it will hurt her badly if it does.
h/t to Free Republic.

If McCain is good at anything, it's reading the tea leaves and moving to the right, center, or left based on the political climate. He's been silent on the Supreme Court's recent slap down of McCain / Feingold, barely a peep out of him over climate change, and my guess is he's going to talk tough on immigration again, like he did during the 2008 Republican primary (until he won it).
In any even, here's the post on Tuscon Weekly about Arpaio's robo-calls.
As for that dead horse I continue to beat, Sarah Palin agreeing to stump for John McCain in this primary is a big mistake. It very well could play out as Palin v. Arpaio, which is a fight she CANNOT win with the Tea Party movement and it will hurt her badly if it does.
h/t to Free Republic.
J.D. Hayworth,
Joe Arpaio,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
Senate Race
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