The AP HAS REPORTED that the deal is in fact dead because Zelaya refuses to accept its conditions.
Micheletti has been schooling Zelaya ever since the latter was removed from power but he's consequently also been punking Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and the Castro brothers by extension. In fact, the longer this goes on, the more foolish Obama looks because of his support for Zelaya's reinstatement.

By turning this offer down, Zelaya has unmasked himself for what he is and Micheletti can deliver another big fat, 'I told you so' to the rest of the world.
Initially, it looked like the continued U.S., O.A.S., and U.N. pressure was starting to wear on Micheletti by his offering this compromise but this may be his biggest victory in the standoff yet because of how it exposes Zelaya as the power-hungry would-be dictator he's accused of being.
Their is courage on display in Honduras that is truly amazing.
The best way to defeat evil is to get it to unmask itself.
Roberto Micheletti may just be a genius.
HERE IS A LINK to my earlier post.
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