Back on August 6th, the WASHINGTON POST floated the notion that the Obama The Joker Poster was the product of a racist artist who was playing on the dormant and unspoken fears of white America, which had to be the reason why he remained anonymous:
So why the anonymity? Perhaps because the poster is ultimately a racially charged image. By using the "urban" makeup of the Heath Ledger Joker, instead of the urbane makeup of the Jack Nicholson character, the poster connects Obama to something many of his detractors fear but can't openly discuss. He is black and he is identified with the inner city, a source of political instability in the 1960s and '70s, and a lingering bogeyman in political consciousness despite falling crime rates.Really? So does that mean that a supporter of the far left Dennis Kucinich is a racist Palestinian-American? The left continues to entangle itself in its own ridiculous premises which is causing them to come back with even more obtuse arguments.
Here's more on THE ARTIST.
Hey Rachel, Keith, and Chris, we're waiting with bated breath for you to report on this one.

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